
Zjistěte, co jste se naučili. V testu na téma "Zavazadla a co si sbalit na dovolenou"

Správná je vždy pouze jedna odpověď. Po vyplnění celého testu se vám modře označí otázky, na něž jste odpověděli správně. Červená barva se ukáže v případě, že jste zaškrtli špatnou odpověď. Možnost, za níž je v závorce napsáno 1.00 b., je ta správná.

1.Before you go on holiday, it´s useful to make a ...

2.Would you be so kind and help me ... my baggage?

3.When travelling abroad, you must take the travel insurance ...

4.She´s lost her luggage at the airport. Unfortunately she forgot to attach a ... to it.

5.Have you ever used a luggage ... when you were at Prague railway station?

6.... is a piece of cloth wrapped around women´s waist on the beach.

7.Peter´s planning a holiday in the Alps in autumn. He needs to get some ...

8.How many ... baggage do you intend to take? – About three, I guess.

9.Would you please lend me the blue ... you were travelling with in the Beskydy mountains?

10.Please take a/an ... in case it gets cold and starts raining.

11.We´ll have to pack some ... and spades for our kids to play with the sand on the beach.

12.After arriving at the hotel, most people ... their luggage and take a short rest.

13.My sister looks like a ... now. She´s lost about 20 kilos.

Kvestor ČZU: Nejlepší disciplínu měli při nácviku na útok zahraniční studenti