
Vánoční test z anglického jazyka

Jazyková škola Březinka pro Vás připravila vánoční test z anglického jazyka, který prověří hlavně vaší slovní zásobu. Doufáme, že se vám bude test líbit, naučíte se nějaké nové výrazy, ale hlavně že se pobavíte. Přejeme Vám vše nejlepší do nového roku a doufáme, že se s Vámi setkáme v naší jazykové škole, která se na vás těší a připraví si pro vás nové zajímavé kurzy. Hodnocení (každá otázka je za 1 bod): 30 - 20 bodů: Skvělé! Vaše angličtina je opravdu na dobré úrovni. Gratulujeme. 19 - 10 bodů: Ještě by to chtělo trošku doladit. Jste ale na dobré cestě. Nevzdávejte to. 9 - 0 bodů: Sice si nejste moc jisti ve tvarech sloves, ale dorozumět se dá i rukama. Znalost angličtiny je dnes ale téměř nezbytností, tak se do ní pusťte s chutí a další test vám dopadne určitě lépe. Test připravili: Eliška Dimitrovová, Phillip Mullis a Jana Tóthová

Ilustrační snímek
1.Every house with a fireplace needs it. It is also the entrance for Santa Clause to the house. What is it?

2.What is the traditional Christmas plant with green leaves and bright red flowers called?

3.A decorative object made of wax or an alternative source of light can be:

4.Where do children in English speaking countries traditionally find their presents?

5.Choose the gramatically correct sentence:

6.The little particles of snow are called:

7.Many people go to the church at midnight to listen to a ________.

8.The place where people practise ice skating or play ice-hockey is called?

9.Where is Santa’s home and workshop?

10.What is the abbreviation (shortcut) for Christmas?

11.Around Christmas it’s traditional to kiss someone when standing under this object.

12.In one group there is a word which is not related to winter or Christmas, can you find it?

13.What is a traditional Christmas drink?

14.In many families it’s traditional to eat black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day for good _________.

15.What do children usually want to find inside their Christmas boxes?

16.Which of these is not suitable as a Christmas tree?

17.Czech Christmas dinner traditionally consists of carp and potato salad. What do people in England or America often have for Christmas dinner?

18.Choose the grammatically correct sentence:

19.According to the story, Santa Clause has assistants to help make the presents for children. What are they called?

20.The sport where you run across the countryside with skis on is called:

21.Many families put this at the top of the tree.

22.Many cities around the world celebrate New Year’s Eve with these.

23.The verb “ski” should be pronounced:

24.In many English speaking countries on New Year’s Eve people sing an old Scottish poem called what?

25.When you go skiing, you do not need:

26.The songs we sing at Christmas are called:

27.What is the name for the vehicle that is pulled by dogs (or by Santa Clause’s reindeers) over snow and ice?

28.What is the name in English of the biblical scene commemorating the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem?

29.What or who is a “snowman”?

30.What type of treat, which nobody really wants, is traditionally given to people at Christmas?

Kvestor ČZU: Nejlepší disciplínu měli při nácviku na útok zahraniční studenti