Státní maturita - Anglický jazyk – základní úroveň obtížnosti -


Státní maturita - Anglický jazyk – základní úroveň obtížnosti

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1.Přečtěte si článek o zdravotní službě a úlohy 1–5. Na základě informací v textu vyberte ke každé otázce nejvhodnější alternativu z nabídky A–D.

PARAMEDICS GET THEIR SKATEBOARDS ON IN A NEW CITY PROJECT 1 Five paramedics1 have been trained by professionals to ride skateboards safely, carrying life-saving equipment in their rucksacks. The new Skateboard Response Unit (SRU) will cover the 5 kilometre area of the City2, i.e. around Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, Soho, Covent Garden and Oxford Street. Studies show that skateboarders from the SRU – travelling at up to 30 kph – will reach 87% of emergency calls in overcrowded areas with heavy traffic before a conventional3 ambulance. 2 The skateboard units will be sent to 9994 emergency calls at the same time as conventional ambulances. Experts hope that the skateboarders will reach the patients faster than the ambulances. If the SRU paramedic reaches the patient sooner than the ambulance, he will call the operation centre and inform it about the state of the patient. If the injury or the health problem is not serious, the ambulance going to the patient will be diverted5 to other more important calls. 3 Most Londoners support this new idea, especially young people, producers of sports´ equipment and surprisingly, also teachers, who say that it may motivate the students keen on skateboarding to spend more time on learning. These students could then go to medical schools and use their skateboarding skills in their future career. However, many doctors are sceptical about the project and there are some critics, too, who don’t want skateboards in the City at all, no matter who rides them. 4 If the SRU service is successful in the City, it will be extended to large public buildings in London including Heathrow airport and large shopping centres. (text/foto: Current, 4/March-April, Mary Glasgow Magazines, 2005; upraveno) Why will the SRU paramedics operate6 in the City? (paragraph 1)

2.Who will be sent to a patient in an emergency, according to paragraph 2?

3.What does “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?

4.How do most teachers feel about the new City project? (paragraph 3)

5.What can we learn from the text about the Skateboard Response Unit?

The Skateboard Response Unit ...

6.Přečtete si dva krátké texty a úlohy, které k jednotlivým textům patří. Na základě informací v textu vždy vyberte nejvhodnější alternativu z příslušné nabídky A–D.

Co se dozvíme z nápisu obchodního řetězce?

angličtina 01

7.Přečtěte si text v rámečku a odpovězte na otázku:

Proč byla Laura zděšená? Protože otec...

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Rozstřel: Jaroslava Rezlerová - include | (1:33) | video:

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