Expresially for you: a lesson in English about house hunting

Expresially for you: a lesson in English about house hunting

Knowing House Hunting

In English, the term house hunting is a generic phrase which refers to looking for a place to live. While in the past it was once used more specifically when people were looking to actually buy a house, since most people rent nowadays, this term is now used much more loosely.
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Examples: "The lease on my apartment is expiring next month, the owners are going to sell it. I’ll need to start house hunting tomorrow" or "Let’s go house hunting, it’s time we moved out of here.

When house hunting is and isn’t
In this last example, one has no idea based on these words alone, whether this phrase means to rent a place of residence or to buy one.

Indeed, in order to determine this, one needs to use additional words to provide this missing context, or you would have to be a participant in the conversation in order to understand the proper context.

For example, if Petr says to Marta that he "wants to go house hunting," and she knows that they can barely afford to pay their rent each month, she is not going to ask him if he means to actually go out and buy a house and secure a mortgage.

Instead, she may joke about the issue, and the fact that they can’t even afford their rent, let alone move.

On the other hand, let’s say that Pavel wins the Czech lottery and wants to "surprise" his Czech girlfriend, Tamara.

Pavel can come home and say, "Let’s go house hunting, honey" and it can mean to either rent or buy, since he can now afford it.

In this example, this decision is of course what one can call "Pavel’s choice," -- but in reality, it is his wife’s Tamara’s, because Pavel is a wise man and understands the rules in life.

When you use the term house hunting, make sure that you explain its proper context to help insure clear communications.

Jokes: WhizDumb of Leonardo da CzEnglish IV

1. At least with an atheist you can insist that his beliefs not be an article of faith.

2. Atheism is of course a non-prophet organization.

3. Give a man a fish and he will eat for an entire day. Teach this same man him how to fish, and he will sit his butt down in a boat and drink beer all day long.

4. According to my calculations, this problem doesn’t exist.

5. When a man talks "dirty" to a woman, it is called "sexual harassment."

When a woman talks "dirty" to a man, it’s 1.99 EUROS a minute!

6. When you go to finally marry "Miss Right," just make sure that her first name is not "Always".

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz


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