Expresially for you: making a positive difference for Czechs - 2

Expresially for you: making a positive difference for Czechs - 2

Honoring Vojtek Sedlacek - Part 2

As we saw in yesterday’s first part, Mr. Vojtek Sedlacek of the ProVas Agentura (Pro Vas Agency) won Ernst & Young’s prestigious Social Entrepreneur of the Year award in recognition of his long-time championing of helping the handicapped.
popisekAngličtina na iDNES.cz

Vojtek also received recognition from the International Astronomical Union for authoring the award-winning, best-selling illustrative brochure (available in several languages) which explains the wondrous Astronomical Clock in Prague which is nearly 600 years old.

Sedlacek’s brochure was one of the biggest hits at the historic International Astronomical Union (IAU) meeting which was held here in Prague. Vojtek worked with more than 200 experts to boil down their knowledge and expertise into the first universally understandable guide to this Czech mechanical marvel.

Largest Employer
Vojtek Sedlacek is the largest employer of handicapped people in the entire Czech Republic. His employees do everything from statistical analysis to tending the cloakrooms in the Czech Senate, serving the government.

Wherever there is a logical need, Vojtek has managed to fill it, easily proving his point that hiring handicapped people is an asset to a company, and not a liability.

Historical Posters
At his store on Rybna Street, Vojtek sells everything from toys to classic movie posters, including reprints from the era of Communism and the turn of this century. His inventory consists of both originals as well as reprints.

Despite his prime location downtown not far behind Kotva, his prices are extremely competitive and his companies are profitable.

Vojtek’s business model can only be called profitable humanitarianism.

This means that he turns a profit, just like every other business, but he is also helping humanity.

Imagine if more businesses followed this model of making money. No matter what they did, people would automatically benefit, and society would be better.

Jokes: Leonardo da CzEnglish Asks

By popular request, here are some more slogans which actually appear on real bumper stickers on cars in the United States of America. "I need someone really bad. Are you really bad?"

"Cancer cures smoking."

"Don’t be a sexist. Broads hate it!"

"Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"

"They can send me to college, but they can’t force me to think!"

"If you think I’m a whimp, my wife will kick your butt!"

"I’m happily married but my wife isn’t."

"So you’re a Feminist. Well, isn’t that cute."

"Ask me about my vow of silence."

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz

Eurovolby 2024

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