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Expres Resolves a Conflict - Part 1

Last week, we received a very moving letter from a Czech woman who asked us for some "American advice" or "western advice" and how to follow "western principles" in order to help her solve a very unfortunate problem which cropped up between her and her Czech friend, who is a man.

Expres readers are loyal, and we helped them solve a problem | foto:

popisekAngličtina na

We publish this story as both a lesson in English and in critical thinking, because it is a real life example which all of us can learn from, and it gives us the chance to see the different ways that people try to communicate.

As we’ve said countless times before, we are here Expresially for YOU, and this letter further proves it.

We are honored to have been sent this letter and request, and to have played our small part in helping resolve this.

Not only are the two people this story concerns "doing OK" now, but their friendship has been preserved, and BOTH sides have admitted that they were wrong.

The Letter

Dear Metropolitni Expres,

Last week, I did a favor for a Czech "friend" of mine, helping find for him all of the key contacts in the USA so that he can open up his new clothing store next year.

To try and "convince" me to help him, he was his usual "friendly" self, and even paid for three drinks from his pub (which was a nice gesture), during our meeting.

He also said that he had "one million crowns to spend," and even said that he was willing to spend money to find this information, and that it was important.

He also said he had asked others to help him, but was disappointed, and came to me because he knows that I "know how to do research."

The "favor" he wanted
What my friend wanted was to know which specific outlets or suppliers he could buy from in America in order to import clothes for sale into the Czech Republic.

Naturally, I agreed to help my friend, he is basically a decent, honest guy. But now I am not sure anymore, and could use your advice.

I have known him for years, and even though I didn’t really have any spare time, I made it my "job one" anyway to help him, and after five days and a little more than 52 phone calls and about 7,500 czk in expenses later, (which is about 140czk per call to America and Canada, CHEAP!), I obtained everything my friend wanted.

I even used my connections in America to give him a "deal" he cannot get anywhere else.

The next day, I met my friend as we had arranged. After giving him the info, which he gladly took, I asked him ONLY to be reimbursed for my expenses. That is all. I do not seek to profit off of my friend, but I did lose this money because of him.

Suddenly, but only AFTER I brought up being reimbursed for my costs, he says that he needs a "receipt" for these phone calls.

Then, he contradicts himself and tells me that "8,000 crowns is a lot of money." (Part II next week)

Jokes: Answering Machine Messages

The following is a REAL answering machine message that the directors of a school unanimously approved after receiving "complaints" from parents who wanted their kids to receive passing grades, even though they all had failed.

"Hello! You have reached the automated answering service. In order to assist you properly, please listen to all of your options before making a selection:

"To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1.

"To make excuses for why your child did not do his work - Press 2.

"To complain about us - Press 3.

"To swear at us - Press 4.

"To ask why you didn’t get information that was already mailed and sent to you - Press 5.

"If you want us to raise your child - Press 6.

"If you want to reach out to touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7.

"To request another teacher for the third time this year - Press 8.

"To complain about bus transportation - Press 9.

"To complain about school lunches - Press 0.

"If you realize this is the real world and that your child must be accountable or responsible for his/her own behavior and homework, and that it’s not the teachers’ fault for your child(ren)’s lack of effort, hang up and have a nice day!"


Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu:

Autor: , METRO

Eurovolby 2024

Volby do Evropského parlamentu se v Česku uskuteční v pátek 7. a v sobotu 8. června 2024. Čeští voliči budou vybírat 21 poslanců Evropského parlamentu. Voliči v celé Evropské unii budou rozhodovat o obsazení celkem 720 křesel

Šebo: Rodiče neočkovaných dětí jsou zločinci, černý kašel je pro kojence smrtící

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