
TÝDEN OBRAZEM: Kolumbijská kuřátka, tříhlavý fanda a žirafí něha

Stovky aut zatopených v thajských továrnách po katastrofálních záplavách, šokovaná tvář stařičké Američanky zasažené pepřovým sprejem, ale i radost kolumbijských dětí na přehlídce kostýmů v Bogotě. To vše tento týden zachytili fotografové světových agentur.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


20. 11. 2011 20:25
skvělý výběr

"Týden obrazem" mám rád, chválím výběr fotografií R^

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20. 11. 2011 20:24
“Screw us and we multiply.’”

84-year-old Occupy Seattle participant Dorli Rainey, pictured here after being pepper sprayed by Seattle Police on November 15th. She later wrote about the incident:

“Something funny happened on my way to a transportation meeting in Northgate. As I got off the bus at 3rd and Pine I heard helicopters above. Knowing that the problems of New York would certainly precipitate action by Occupy Seattle, I thought I better check it out. Especially since only yesterday the City Government made a grandiose gesture to protect free speech. Well free speech does have its limits as I found out as the cops shoved their bicycles into the crowd and simultaneously pepper sprayed the so captured protesters. If it had not been for my Hero (Iraq Vet Caleb) I would have been down on the ground and trampled. This is what democracy looks like. It certainly left an impression on the people who rode the No. 1 bus home with me. In the women’s movement there were signs which said: “Screw us and we multiply.’”

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20. 11. 2011 20:26
Re: “Screw us and we multiply.’”

Tohle zverejnila ona 'staricka Americanka', Dorli Rainney, po svem sprejovem zazitku. Velice inspirativni. Omlouvam se, ze neprekladam.

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