
Expresially for you: we got “buzzed” and explain it

When a person shaves off all the hair on their head, you know they must be "serious." Here at Metropolitni Expres, we "got serious" Expresially for you, and set out in serious pursuit of a Czech-style buzz cut.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


9. 7. 2008 22:59
Tak nazdar prakundy!

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14. 11. 2007 2:50
Well Kal .....

.....I'm glad you put out that hair cutting video.  I always had doubts about your command of the English language ... and now I can see who you are. ......... Your basic overweight old American ... fine so far... but unfortunately the old stereotype ... the ugly American. ........ In all your time in Prague you still haven't managed to learn how to say "thank you", or "only 50 crowns back please" to the natives. 


How can ANYONE trust your expertise in a language if you're so obviously stumped by a little Czech. 

New York University in Prague? Obviously another hit & run school. 

What are you doing over there?  The remittance man?

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13. 11. 2007 21:13
Kal u kadeřníka

Pěkně mu ta kadeřnička tu jeho paličku oholila, co?.  .....  A všimli jste si jaké dýško jí ten držgrešle za to dal. Cheap bastard!!  Já myslel že jenom Češi jsou tak ostudně levní. 

PART 1 ...      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpUOn8q7tpg 

PART 2 ...      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTXvj_dIA3Q


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