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Saudové zabili dva z vrahů rukojmích

Saudskoarabští vojáci zastřelili v hornaté oblasti na západě země dva ozbrojence. Údajně by mělo jít o teroristy, kteří se podíleli na víkendovém masakru 22 rukojmích v Chubáru. Policie dosud pátrala po třech uprchlých teroristech.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


3. 6. 2004 6:19
USA - number ONE
...Kamil mi večer říkal, že Spojené státy zůstávají motorem světové ekonomiky ...s hrubým domácím produktem 11 bilionů $ mají bezkonkurenční náskok před ostatním světem ...Kamil také říkal, že růst jejich ekonomiky je dynamický ...navíc Spojené státy nejsou vpředu jen co se týče kvalitativních ekonomických kritérií ...svědčí o tom i postoj například vědců a výzkumníků, kteří z Evropy stále do USA odcházejí a tedy i potenciál Ameriky z pohledu budoucích objevů a jejich využití v praxi je výjimečný ...hmm...      
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2. 6. 2004 21:25
tak vam to zopakujem...
The outside threat to Western civilization is the most obvious, and the one which today captures most of our attention. What we call the War on Terrorism is, more accurately, the third attempt of radical Islam to destroy us. Terrorism is merely the tactic these Islamists, as they are called, are using to wage their struggle. This is a different struggle from those we faced in the twentieth century. It is not a fight between freedom and totalitarianism, like the hot war against fascism or the Cold War against communism. Nor is this an argument over which economic system may be better. In the War on Terrorism we are confronting an enemy who believes himself to be doing God's work, who reveres death itself, and who regards the killing of innocent people as a sacred duty. In this war, Western civilization cannot survive any outcome short of total victory.
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2. 6. 2004 18:14
...ti dva zabití byli zločinci, kteří škodili celému civilizovanému světu ...myslí si to i Kamil ...hmm...
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2. 6. 2004 16:59
Zapadni civilizace musi vyhrat..
The outside threat to Western civilization is the most obvious, and the one which today captures most of our attention. What we call the War on Terrorism is, more accurately, the third attempt of radical Islam to destroy us. Terrorism is merely the tactic these Islamists, as they are called, are using to wage their struggle. This is a different struggle from those we faced in the twentieth century. It is not a fight between freedom and totalitarianism, like the hot war against fascism or the Cold War against communism. Nor is this an argument over which economic system may be better. In the War on Terrorism we are confronting an enemy who believes himself to be doing God's work, who reveres death itself, and who regards the killing of innocent people as a sacred duty. In this war, Western civilization cannot survive any outcome short of total victory.
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2. 6. 2004 18:15
...lépe už to nemůže být napsáno...
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2. 6. 2004 16:51
Neni pozde...
Winning the culture war within the US will require us to start educating Americans about Western civilization. As Roger Kimball has pointed out, "We have been living off the capital of civilization for so long that we naturally forget what Herculean efforts had to be mobilized to accumulate that capital in the first place." It is time to start remembering — or perhaps to start learning for the first time — how Western civilization developed and what it really has accomplished. Today our schools barely teach this subject; ask a group of high school students in any state to describe or define Western civilization, and they are likely to tell you that its only accomplishments are slavery, the oppression of women, and a reluctance to re-cycle our refuse. How stupid! But it isn't the kids' fault because this is what we have allowed them to be taught. And we need to go beyond the schools and assure that all Americans understand what Western civilization really is, and why preserving it is so important to their own future. If we do this, political support will start to fade for those who would destroy Western civilization.
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Horník Kdojevíc

2. 6. 2004 16:59
Levičácká prasata všech zemí kvičí; my však po obou stranách Atlantiku si připomeneme rekonkvistu našich předků a práci dokončíme.
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2. 6. 2004 16:40
Vzhledem k tomu, že už došlo k metastázi onoho tumoru do všech koutů světa, je na operaci trochu pozdě...
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Horník Kdojevíc

2. 6. 2004 16:48
No fear, don´t let them put you off!
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2. 6. 2004 16:30
musime bojovat...
Stopping the attack of radical Islam will take years. While we can disagree over the specifics of which military action to take when, in general our course is clear. We must treat the threat of terror posed by radical Islam as though it were a tumor. That is, we must get 100 percent of it. If we get just 60 percent, or even 80 percent, what remains will grow back and kill us. We must go all the way, however long it takes and regardless of the casualties we suffer along the way. Our objective in destroying terrorism is twofold: to prevent attacks on us, and in the long run to help create in the Islamic world an environment in which moderation, rather than radicalism, will flourish. That will pave the way for Islam itself to do what Judaism and Christianity did centuries ago — that is, to reconcile with the modem world. For only when Islam joins us in the twenty-first century will Western civilization be safe.
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Horník Kdojevíc

2. 6. 2004 16:43
Okay, let´s follow our fellow countryman Kipling: "If you can keep your head, when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you ..."
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Horník Kdojevíc

2. 6. 2004 16:19
2 teroristická hovada do kafilérie.
Držíme palce všem slušným lidem při likvidaci těchto prasat s ládínkovským syndromem.
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2. 6. 2004 16:15
gratulace SA vojakum
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