
Irácký ministr už nechce s Američany nic mít

Člena irácké vládní rady Ahmada Šalabího rozčílilo obsazení jeho domu. Irácká policie a američtí vojáci z něj odnesli dokumenty a počítač. Šalabí prohlásil, že teď už nemá žádné vztahy s koaliční správou země, kterou vedou Američané.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


21. 5. 2004 15:08
Už se to začiná vymykat
No nevím, ale čím dál tím více se zde objevují jisté shodné rysy s ČSSR 68.
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Jindrich Hojer

21. 5. 2004 12:13
vzácné vydání Koránu
Hahahaha, "vzácné vydání Koránu"...    Cele je to dobry trik Shallabiho a americkych okupantu. Touto smluvenou hrou se ma stale velice loajalni Shallabi ocistit v ocich Iracanu a ma se z nej stat kvalifikovana vudci sila, tihnouci k islamu, naoko kriticka k amikum a dbajici o dobro Irackeho naroda. Jak pruhledne, tyto hry me vzdycky pobavi. Dovedu si predstavit tu prestrelku... Slepe naboje... Typicka prace CIA. Je to vesele.
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21. 5. 2004 14:14
Pokus CIA udělat z kolaboranta arabského mučedníka? Je to pravděpodobné vrtění psem!
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21. 5. 2004 11:46
Sorrac za tapety?
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21. 5. 2004 15:24
to je dobrý Bezpalče, my si už zvykli
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21. 5. 2004 11:46
Hmmm... tak se mi zda, ze kulometne davky v Babim Jaru byly jeste aktem humanity: http://www.novinky.cz/03/24/87.html
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21. 5. 2004 11:59
One day, the detainee said, American soldiers held him down and spread his legs as another soldier prepared to open his pants. "I started screaming," he said. A soldier stepped on his head, he said, and someone broke a phosphoric light and spilled the chemicals on him. "I was glowing and they were laughing," he said.
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21. 5. 2004 11:44
Washington Times May 19, 2004 Bomb sparks fears of sarin stockpile By Guy Taylor Security and defense specialists yesterday said the discovery of sarin in a roadside bomb in Baghdad has renewed fears that insurgents in Iraq have access to more of the deadly nerve agent. "The worst case would be that you'd have to have your chemical protection gear at close hand at any time, because any of these mortar attacks could turn out to be a poison gas attack and any roadside bomb could turn out to be a poison gas attack," said John Pike of GlobalSecurity.org. Mr. Pike, whose Washington think tank is following developments in Iraq, said he is not suggesting that such a scenario is probable, but it certainly is cause for concern. Randall Larsen, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel who is the head of a security-consulting firm and an adviser to the McGraw Hill Homeland Security Summit, said the incident is receiving too much hype. "I don't think there's enough information available right now to know if this was one round that was just mixed in with some high explosive 155 mm shells or did it actually come out of some hidden stockpile that we don't know about," Mr. Larsen said. But if it did, he said, coalition forces will face a long, hot summer in their chemical uniforms. "It is almost summer in Iraq, and the heat becomes unbearable in those suits." There were no indications yesterday that the sarin discovery had prompted coalition forces to change their force protection level to wear gas masks and the full protective gear known as "moon suits." A spokesman at the Pentagon said troops in Iraq are "well-trained and well-equipped to deal" with the threat posed by chemical weapons and that "commanders on the ground are authorized" to order troops to don full chemical protective gear if needed. The Iraq Survey Group, the joint CIA and military intelligence unit in Iraq, Monday night said small amounts of sarin were in the exploded shell
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21. 5. 2004 11:45
discovered by U.S. troops Saturday near Baghdad International Airport. In the run-up to the war in Iraq, the Bush administration repeatedly cited concern over Saddam Hussein's having weapons of mass destruction as a reason for the invasion. The round found Saturday was an older, binary type in which two chemicals were stored. When fired from a rocket launcher, the chemicals mix to create sarin. Military officials said the mixture and its dispersal are "very limited" when such a round is used in a roadside bomb. Meanwhile, Mr. Pike said the sarin discovery raised questions about whether Iraqi insurgents purposely planted the 155 mm chemical artillery shell near the airport. Remnants of Saddam's security apparatus might compose an element of the insurgency and could have made off with a fraction of residual chemical weapons stocks, he said. "There were obviously large quantities of stocks that were missing in action."
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21. 5. 2004 11:40
Korupce v OSN (ropa za potraviny). Chalabi ma mit kompromitujici materialy na Rusy, Francouze a OS stuff.
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21. 5. 2004 11:35
Wo co de?
INTRO: The head of the U-N appointed panel that is looking into allegations of corruption in the Iraq oil-for-food program says competing investigations are waging a tug of war over (are arguing over) access to possibly incriminating documents. Peter Heinlein reports the panel will focus first on charges of misconduct by U-N staff. TEXT: Former U-S Central Bank chief Paul Volcker says it may be at least a year before his investigation into oil for food corruption allegations is complete. Secretary General Kofi Annan appointed the highly respected banker last month amid a swirl of charges that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein used the program to shower cash and favors on friendly business and governments. Mr. Volcker said he hopes to prepare a preliminary report within three months. That will focus on allegations of misconduct by U-N staff, up to and including Oil for Food administrator Benon Sevan. Mr. Sevan has strenuously denied the allegations. The Volcker panel will then set to work on the broader question of whether corporations and possibly government officials may have been involved with Saddam Hussein in a scheme to skim billions of dollars in illegal profits from the program. Mr. Volcker says he has already dispatched a team of experienced investigators to Baghdad to establish contacts with officials and to seek access to Iraqi records. /// VOLCKER ACT /// Very important records are available in Iraq, and we think it is crucial that we get a degree of control over these records if we're going to have a satisfactory investigation, and we attach considerable priority to that. /// END ACT /// Mr. Volcker acknowledged that there are currently several investigations battling for control over relevant documents in the case. But he said he considers his U-N appointed probe the authoritative inquiry. He denied, however, having any information about documents seized during a U-S and Iraqi raid Thursday on the offices of Iraqi
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21. 5. 2004 11:37
Governing Council member Ahmed Chalabi, who is conducting his own oil-for-food probe. /// 2ND VOLCKER ACT /// It didn't cross my mind when I heard about the Chalabi business this morning it had anything to do with my team going to Baghdad. I'm aware that there's been a bit of a tug of war in Baghdad about these records. They are of interest to a lot of people. And I can understand, they are of interest to us. Our concern is that we have access in a way that is unfiltered and unbiased, and that is as you can imagine quite a challenge under circumstances that exist in Baghdad. /// END ACT /// Mr. Volcker said his investigators are hoping to strike a deal on cooperation with the U-S funded Supreme Audit Board in Iraq, which is conducting its own oil for food probe. The humanitarian program was started in late 1996 as a way to ease the pain on average Iraqis from a crippling U-N mandated economic embargo on Iraq. Saddam Hussein's government was allowed to sell oil to purchase commodities such as soap, flour and food items. Many of the documents alleging bribes in the program were believed to be under Ahmed Chalabi's control. The U-S General Accounting Office last month said Saddam Hussein raised four-point-four billion dollars in illegal revenues by imposing surcharges and commissions on companies supplying goods under the program. Auditors say Saddam's government smuggled another five-point-seven billion dollars worth of oil out of the country, using the humanitarian program as a cover. (Signed)
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21. 5. 2004 11:12
"10:38 - Z irácké věznice Abú Ghrajb vyjelo 13 autobusů s dalšími propuštěnými vězni. Před věznicí čekaly stovky příbuzných zadržených. Koalice oznámila, že dnes z Abú Ghrajbu propustí 472 lidí." to jako ted zjistili, ze sou nevinny?
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21. 5. 2004 9:27
At si ten sasek TRHNE!Kdovi jestli nema v tom atentatu take pracky  jim se neda nikomu moc verit!Pokud nebude "hodnej" tak dopadne take tak oni uz se o to "jeho" pobratimove postaraji!
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21. 5. 2004 9:30
Ztratil jsi nějak humor, osvětlovači. Vždyť jsem ti říkal, to je tou hořící koudelí u p...le
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21. 5. 2004 8:46
v Ohníčku psali, že USA musejí mít hodně dobrý důvod k této akci ..........
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21. 5. 2004 9:25
No samozrejme ze maji duvod: bezradnost
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