
Po smrti Britů v Iráku se mluví o provokaci

Za smrtí šesti Britů na jihovýchodě Iráku je podle místních jejich necitlivé chování při domovních prohlídkách. Obyvatelé tvrdí, že vojáci útok vyprovokovali, čemuž se britská armáda ovládající tuto část země brání. Londýn oznámil, že pokud bude třeba, vyšle do Iráku další muže.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


26. 6. 2003 15:20
iráčani jsou nevděčná pakáž
někteří iráčani jsou nevděčná pakáž
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29. 6. 2003 18:56
Re: iráčani jsou nevděčná pakáž
SMRT OKUPANTUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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26. 6. 2003 9:34
Já mám taky své zvyky ...
... třeba že mi nesmí nikdo hrabat ve skříni. Ale asi bych nezabil 6 policajtů, kdyby mi to tam zpřeházeli ... Pokud se střetnou dvě civilizace, které jsou takto neslučitelné, je přirozené, že jedna druhou vyhubí. Bohužel i dnes. Sežer, nebo budeš sežrán. Já raději žeru, a klidně si dám k snídani, obědu i večeři takového úchyla, který zabije 6 lidí jen proto, že porušili jeho zvyky a urazili ho.
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26. 6. 2003 14:15
Re: Já mám taky své zvyky ...
tak to jo, to budeš sežrán, to se nesmíš divit....
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25. 6. 2003 18:28
to tam jeste jednou prebombardovat.Jistota je jistota.A budte si jisty ze ta pakaz da pokoj.
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26. 6. 2003 5:28
Re: Doporucuji
...tou pakáží máš určitě na mysli ten novodobý státně organizovaný teror, co to tam teď okupuje místo saddámka, že? zdá se, že na tvoje slova dojde, jen musíš být pár let trpělivý, .... až tebe přepadne pod zuby ozbrojený loupežník, taky hned nevymyslíš, jak proti němu....
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25. 6. 2003 18:13
Muslimske zvyklosti
No to je prece jasny, ze se kazdeho muslima musi dotknout, kdyz muberoun semtex namotany okolo bricha.  Kaslete na muslimske odlisnosti. Pri prvnim nazanku nesouhlasu ten fundamentalistickej dobytek strilejte
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hrbaty kozel

25. 6. 2003 19:03
Re: Muslimske zvyklosti
nekdo chodi opasanej bombama, nekdo by drzhyho hned strilel... jses na stejny urovni jako arabsky radikalove... ubozaku
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25. 6. 2003 15:33
Vsem levicovym intelektualum
Pokud si nejste schopni pripustutit, ze jste cleny euroamericke civilizace nemuzete samozrejme pochopit ani to, ze civilizace arabska je s euroamerickou neslucitelna. Jde jen o to, kdo koho prevalcuje. Jsem rad a kdybych byl verici modlil bych se za to, aby nase civilizace, tolik opovrhovana radoby nasimi vlastnimi intelektualnimi spickami, vzdy a vsude na cele care vitezila.
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25. 6. 2003 16:04
Re: ....s Tebou?
a Žoržíkem...nikdy?
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25. 6. 2003 15:23
to by mne zajimalo...
jestlipak maji na ty domovni prohlidky soudni prikaz?
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25. 6. 2003 15:03
...hlas boží?
bbc >>>..... The coalition did its job of removing Saddam (rightly or wrongly); now it is time to put a force into place which can help raqi people rebuild their own country, as they want it, with control over their own resources. Until that happens, aggrieved raqis are going to keep taking potshots at the coalition. John own, UK ...... think the more troops you send in the more angry the raqi people will become. They don't want us there. t is time to get out and let them take care of themselves. efore they kill more of our troops ob, US ....... What else can an occupying force expect from occupied masses? Nina, Canada ....... Someone please tell me again, why are we in raq? To liberate the raqis? ecause we certainly are not there for any real threat or imaginary, so sending more troops will not liberate raq, it will create more chaos for raqis as well as the troops. n the meantime ush and company once again (as pre-war) cannot find raq on the map. What a great world they have created for us and we have helped them with our silent compliance. Melina Pavlakou, USGreece ......The raqi people have made it quite clear that this occupation of their country is unwanted. The people are fighting back (not just Saddam loyalists as the propaganda-fed media would have us believe)and it's only going to get messier the longer they stay. With talk of USUK troops being stationed there for up to 6 years, can only see this situation getting worse. David, Glasgow, Scotland .......We need to ask why the troops are there. What military objectives do they have? Only then can we say if more equals better. t may be that these objectives can be better achieved by withdrawal, and by letting UN troops from a neutral nation ensure the transition to a post-Saddam government. This will prove to be a running sore, just like Ulster during the 1970's and 80's, and the longer we're there, under a dishonest and shameful pretext, the worse it will get. John, UK .....<<<<<
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25. 6. 2003 14:45
...hlas boží?
bbc >>> When you invade and occupy a country the war will never be over, there are enough precedents to look at. Will the US never learn? Afghanistan is one where one problem has created another, and where the war is also just starting. There it was justified but remains unfinished and deteriorating. For the US sake hope the body count doesn't keep coming one a day for years, watch how quick US public opinion "forgets" the noble reasons why the invasion was carried out, and says enough, leaving the rest of the world i.e the UN and her constituent nations, to pick up the pieces. This war is just starting, believe it. The US and UK will have to stay and try and "liberate" now to save face, to pull out is to again admit failure. God save the poor innocent civilians who are the real victims. John P, Australia   ..... Never in the history of humankind has a country been attacked, suffered fly-overs, sanctions, denuded of weapons and then attacked. for one am totally ashamed of what we have inflicted on the people of raq. f they choose to fight back in any way they can then who can blame them. f an invading force were to behave in such a cowardly way towards my country then would expect all of us to behave in the same way, wouldn't you? Audrey, USA .....No, the war is NOT over until the USUK move their occupying forces out of this country. Sadly, bloodshed will continue and hope that the Americans are here to help us and not to "Americanise" us and our Arab culture. Adil Musa, aghdad, raq .....<<<<
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25. 6. 2003 14:38
bbc>>> Troops 'killed by civilians'
Details are sketchy about how the deaths happened, with eyewitnesses saying the Iraqis were angry at the way soldiers were searching their houses for weapons, C correspondent Peter Greste reported.
Villagers say they followed the soldiers to an abandoned police station where they demonstrated and shooting broke out.
"It's not clear who began firing first, though several witnesses told me the troops may have fired a warning shot in an attempt to disperse the crowd," Greste said.
Lieutenant Colonel onnie McCourt told euters news agency: "This attack was unprovoked. It was murder."
  ......The biggest organisation in Iraq representing Shia Muslims also condemned the killings, but said the presence and behaviour of foreign forces was provocative. The deputy leader of the Supreme Council of Islamic evolution in Iraq, Abdulaziz al Hakim, told the C people objected in particular to troops searching houses and women. ..... "There is a background to do with the attempts by ritish forces to make sure that the local population who regularly carry machineguns and small firearms were disarmed of those weapons. "There had been problems in relation to that and that may form part of the background to it, but at the moment it is simply too early to say." ....... Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon told C adio 4's Today programme there were "many thousands" of troops which could be sent to Iraq if that deemed necessary by the new review. He stressed that the 19,000 troops used as cover for the firefighters' strikes were no longer needed for that role back in the UK. ut he refused to put a figure on how many reinforcements could be deployed. <<<  
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25. 6. 2003 14:31
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