Hillary Clinton can be one of the two major candidates who run for President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton can be one of the two major candidates who run for President of the United States. | foto: Reuters

U.S. Presidential Race 5

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Continuing our series on the U.S. Presidential race for 2008, which is already underway, let’s explore some further areas so that we might understand them. One of the greatest differences in this election is that most of the important states will be holding their election primaries either very close to each another, or on the same day.
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By doing things this way, it will save everyone a lots of time and allow people to decide quickly.

In past elections, each state chose their own days to hold their own primaries. This meant that candidates would often have to campaign for almost a full year, if not longer, and go through each primary contest. By making a point to have these primaries now mostly on the same day, it will become clear very quickly who the winner will be. Once this is decided, that candidate can then focus on the issues, as well as their opponents from the other political parties.

Party Conventions
In the American political system, primary elections are held to see which candidates from each political party are preferred by voters. For example, if Hillary Clinton wins the most delegates in the primary elections which will be held in each state in America, Hillary Clinton would then become the person the Democratic Party would choose to represent them (the nominee) in the final election against a Republican opponent, whoever it might be.

For Republicans, they must go through the same thing. They will also have their primaries, their party convention, and eventually choose their final two candidates to run against the Democrats for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States.

Choosing a Vice-President
While no one can tell yet who the Vice-Presidential candidates will be from both parties, regardless of which people are chosen, the combinations will be designed to have the greatest appeal to voters and to carry the most electoral votes.

For either party, this means that if they can control California, New York, Florida, Ohio, Texas and perhaps Michigan, they could very well win the presidency just because of population dynamics and the electoral system.

More Dumb Butt True Laws

Denver, Colorado: it is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next door neighbor.

Connecticut: according to the law there, in order for a pickle to be a pickle, it must bounce off the ground.

Connecticut: it is against the law to train or educate your dogs.

Florida: it is illegal to fish while driving across a bridge -- well, no duh!

Kansas: it is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pie.

Kansas: it is against the law to go whale hunting. Didn’t know Kansas had a big whaling problem, it is a state surrounded entirely by land!

Louisiana: it is illegal to can’t eat more than three sandwiches when you are at someone’s funeral or wake.

Louisiana: it is against the law to gargle in public.

Portland, Maine: it is illegal to tickle the underneath of a woman’s chin with a feather duster.

Waterville, Maine: it is against the law to blow your nose in public. Ain’t freedom great!?

In 1659 the state of Massachusetts passed a law actually outlawing Christmas!

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