Expresially for you: true adventures in trying to learn Czech

Expresially for you: true adventures in trying to learn Czech | foto: Profimedia.cz

True story: Trying to Learn Czech - Part 1

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The following is a true story: A few years ago, a really nice American man fell madly in love with a Czech woman. While this fact is not surprising, it’s just further evidence that there is indeed a "God," - this man certainly did not mean to.
popisekAngličtina na iDNES.cz

He was in fact just minding his own business, just visiting Prague as a tourist, when "she" walked into this cyber cafe that he had stopped to use to check his email.

Life is like this, such "coincidences" abound.

This American was rich. He even worked at Microsoft as a Product Manager, a company which has the undeniable status and smell of the rich elite, as in the one and only Mr. Bill Gates.

Anything for a Czech Woman
As this man continued to fly back to Prague from America, because he was now madly in love, he decided to do something rather kind, loving and dare I say “gentlemanly,” in honor of the Czech woman he was now under the permanent spell of.

This man decided that he would try and learn the Czech language, since she spoke almost no English.

Enrolling in a Junior College
In a secret operation worthy of James Bond himself, this American man enrolled into a Junior College and started taking an evening course on the Czech language. He did it in such secrecy, that he didn’t even tell his best friend, who was also American and even lived in Prague.

Trying it out
After finishing the three month course, this man passed with flying colors. He was proud of his ability to "speak Czech," and could not understand why his best friend who lived in Prague and was also American, kept telling him that the Czech language was difficult to understand and would take a long time to learn.

As this American flew to Prague, he decided to ... (Part II tomorrow.)

Jokes: More Things You NEVER Say

By popular request, here are some more things that you never say to a naked man:

1. You know, there’s a tower in Italy which looks a lot like that.

2. My five year old brother has one just like it.

3. Maybe if we water it, it will grow?

4. I understand why God decided to punish you, but what did I ever do that was wrong?

5. It’s OK, you have so many other talents, don’t worry.

6. Wow, I didn’t know that your back was so hairy!

7. That’s it?

8. Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha!!!!

9. Is that a toupe?

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz

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