
Zjistěte, co jste se naučili. V testu na téma "Food and drink"

Správná je vždy pouze jedna odpověď. Po vyplnění celého testu se vám modře označí otázky, na něž jste odpověděli správně. Červená barva se ukáže v případě, že jste zaškrtli špatnou odpověď. Možnost, za níž je v závorce napsáno 1.00 b., je ta správná.

1.Do you often eat ... on Friday evenings? – Yes, we do. Almost every week.

2.As she is keen on drinking wine, they bought her a ... of wine for Christmas.

3.Which type of ... do you prefer? – Spaghetti, penne or tagliatelle?

4.What would you recommend to us? – Breaded chicken wings are today´s ...

5.Mojito is one the most ... drinks I have ever drunk.

6.Hot ... include coffee, tea and hot chocolate.

7.The Browns get together every Sunday morning to have a ... in the nearby restaurant.

8.People who have eaten contaminated food often suffer from food ...

9.My brother´s ... at his food makes my mother crazy.

10.Sir, are you ... to order? – Yes, we´d like two cheesburgers with French fries please.

11.The ... drink organised by my colleagues on my last day at work was a pleasant surprise for me.

12.Someone drinking like a ... consumes large amounts of alcohol.

13.Octopus is my favourite ...

Kvestor ČZU: Nejlepší disciplínu měli při nácviku na útok zahraniční studenti