
Zjistěte, co jste se naučili. V testu na téma travelling

Správná je vždy pouze jedna odpověď. Po vyplnění celého testu se vám modře označí otázky, na něž jste odpověděli správně. Červená barva se ukáže v případě, že jste zaškrtli špatnou odpověď. Možnost, za níž je v závorce napsáno 1.00 b., je ta správná.

1.We took a ... to get to one of the Croatian islands.

2.Why was you flight ... ? – It was because of the volcano on Iceland.

3.How many ... may embark the ship?

4.When the plane lands, you can get your luggage at the ....

5.The stewardess asked the passengers to ... their seatbelts.

6.I´ll have to check the ... to find out when the train leaves.

7.Peter ... his bus every other day, which makes his class teacher very angry.

8.If your ... weighs more than 20 kilos, you have to pay extra baggage.

9.I saw someone ... your car when you were on holiday in Spain. Who was it?

10.The flight number and the time of the departure can be found on the departures ...

11.One ... ticket to Paris, please. – Would you like to make a ... reservation as well?

12.He loves going to the ... to watch the planes taking off.

13.Last night Jessica got in a ... Fortunately she was not injured.

Šebo: Rodiče neočkovaných dětí jsou zločinci, černý kašel je pro kojence smrtící