Our quiet survey of readers indicates ya’ll love those Expressions

Our quiet survey of readers indicates ya’ll love those Expressions | foto: Profimedia.cz

Readers LOVE Expressions

Here are some expressions in English which are not very well known to non-native speakers. "To gloss over" - when someone glosses over something, this means that they just speak about it in general terms and that they avoid specifics or details.
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When using this expression, or if someone ever says it to you, please make sure that you pay careful attention and genuinely understand what it is that they really mean when they use these words.

To gloss over something can also mean to avoid responsibility or to minimize something or to downplay it, even though it might be very important. Examples:

"Our boss just glossed over the financials for our upcoming quarter. He understands that we are making record profits" or "That politician just glossed over the report from the auditors which proves there was corruption. He’s not going to get re-elected to office again."

Grass up
This is a distinctively British expression, it does not exist in Americanized English.

To grass up someone means that you are either informing them, or informing on them.

The origin for this expression comes from Cockney slang in Great Britain, when people used to "grass up" their neighbors by either reporting on them to the police, or reporting on what it was that the police were doing.

Polish off
When someone polishes off something, this means that they have finished it, or that "it" is finished. Examples:

"He polished off that bottle of Becherovka, since there were only a few sips left" or "The mafia polished off that informant who was secretly working for the police."

The use of this phrase in this latter context appears in several Hollywood movies.

Joke of the Day: More Differences Between Men and Women III

1. The average man has only six items in his bathroom: a razor for shaving, a toothbrush, some shampoo; a bar of soap which doesn’t smell like perfume or anything "fruity," a comb (or brush) and some shaving cream.

The average woman has 293 items in her bathroom and they’re all "absolutely vital."

2. When movies or comedies like The Three Stooges are playing on TV, men will watch it, laugh heartily, and truly enjoy themselves.

When women watch The Three Stooges, they think it’s stupid, "immature" and extremely childish.

3. Hairy backs.

4. Hairy butts.

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz

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