"America has the greatest hockey team in the world." "Nuh-uh, the Czechs do."

"America has the greatest hockey team in the world." "Nuh-uh, the Czechs do." | foto: Michal Sváček, MF DNES

Popular Expressions - 4

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Here are more of some of the most commonly used expressions in English, often said by native speakers. In America, when people are talking, sometimes the person who is listening will ask the question: "Come Again?" This expression is another way of asking the person to repeat what it is that they are saying. It is a variation of "Can you say it again?"
popisekAngličtina na iDNES.cz

The reason you do not understand what is being said does not matter. Anytime you do not understand something a person is saying, in American English, you can say, "Come Again?"

How’s That?
In a similar way the phrase "How’s that?" can also be used because it means essentially the same thing.

Depending on where you are in the United States, people will either say "How’s that?" or "Come Again?" or any other number of phrases.

The phrase "nuh-uh" is another way of saying "no" or that you do not agree. Example:

John: "America has the greatest hockey team in the world."

Pavel: "Nuh-uh, the Czechs do."

It Humms or It Hums
When something "humms" or "humms along" it means that everything is working fine and moving forward. Example:

"I’m humming along just fine, getting lots of work done."

It Purrs
When something "purrs" this also means things are working fine, or that a person is pleased. Usually, it is a woman. Example:

"She was so satisfied, she was purring by the time our interview was over."

Major X or A Major
When something is "a major whatever" this means that it is a big deal. Example:

"Czechs are a major player in the European Union, and rightfully so."

Joke of the Day

A blonde woman goes to an electronics store to buy a color TV.

After deciding what model she wants, she finds the salesman.

"I want this brand of TV," the blonde woman tells the salesman.

"I’m sorry, but we don’t serve blondes in this store."

Offended to hear this, the blonde woman leaves, feeling humiliated.

"I’ll show him how ‘smart’ he is. I’ll just dye my hair brown and make me a brunette and buy that TV from the same salesman!" the blonde woman tells herself.

The next day she was back in the store and found the same sales clerk.

"I would like to buy this TV."

"I’m sorry, but we do not serve blondes in this store."

"How did you know I was a blonde with this hair coloring?" she asked.

"That’s a microwave oven you’re trying to buy, not a TV."

Key Article Words in English

Come again? - Ještě jednou/co, prosím?
How's that? - Co, prosím?
Nuh-Uh - neee
It Humms - jde to
It Purrs - jde to
It Sings - jde to
Major X, Majorly - přední/důležitý
electronics store - obchod s elektronikou
salesman - prodavač 
we don't serve - neobsluhujeme
dye her hair brown - obarvit vlasy nahnědo
hair coloring - barva na vlasy

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz


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