Cauliflower can prevent or interfere with the proper absorption of iodine

Cauliflower can prevent or interfere with the proper absorption of iodine | foto: MF DNES

People need iron and iodine in their diets

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Proper levels of Iron and Iodine should be two essential, vital parts of everyone’s daily food diet. Let’s briefly review some of the reasons why, and then discuss some of the natural foods which exist around you that can supply these critical elements for good, overall health.
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Iron is a key trace metal which exists in everyone’s body. If you have red blood, you’ve got iron.

However, many people (especially women) suffer from insufficient levels of iron in their bodies. Without proper levels of iron in your blood, you will feel fatigued, and your resistance to colds will go down, making you more vulnerable to catching them.

Furthermore, in addition to not getting enough of this critical element into their body, many people’s diets may actually inhibit or prevent the proper absorption of iron, or actually may degrade or remove it from a person’s body!

Iron Sources vs. Iron Killers
Brewyer’yeast is a great source of iron. On the other hand, caffeine and cigarette smoking help kill off levels of iron in your body. Since many people smoke, especially developing teenagers, failure to pay proper attention to the levels of iron in your diet can really hurt you -- literally.

In addition to a lower immune system, your body’s cells can literally suffocate, or die from lack of proper oxygen. Iron is critical for transporting your proper oxygen levels to each cell. Naturally, if you do not have enough iron, your body’s cells literally choke to death.

Natural Sources of Iron
Iron can be found naturally in several foods. Liver is a great example, it is rich in iron and it is easy to find in the Czech Republic. It can also be cooked in many different ways. The best thing to make sure of is that you do not cook the liver in such a way as to boil its nutritional contents away.

Another vital element that should be in everyone’s diet it iodine. Iodine is critical, because it regulates the way that cells produce oxygen. This means that both iron and iodine are both "good guys" and should be working together as a team by existing in healthy portions in your diet.

Salt, iodized salt, is a great source of iodine. However, as with everything, use it in moderation. A diet too high in salt can lead to high blood pressure. Other great sources of iodine are onions, shell fish, kelp, or seaweed.

If your thyroid gland does not produce enough iron naturally, and you are taking iron supplements, beware of the fact that broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale can prevent or interfere with the proper absorption of iodine!

With diets, always consider your specific health conditions.

Jokes of the Day - Reader´s Photo

A man goes to see a Psychologist because he has a problem with the way he looks. He has been told so all of his life that he is "ugly", and finally decides to go see a therapist to try and find a way to emotionally handle it.

Man: "Doctor, I have such depression in my life. It’s this ugliness, I just can’t handle it."

Doc: "It’s OK, don’t worry. I am here to help you. Remember, ‘beauty’ is relative. What is ‘pretty’ to one person may not be to another. Don’t worry, relax, I am here to help you."

Man: "OK, so what do I do?"

Doc: "Just go over to the couch and lie face down, and then we’ll talk about your problem."

Key Article Words in English

brewyer’s yeast = kvasnice
kelp = chaluha
seaweed = mořská řasa
broccoli = brokolice
Brussel sprouts = růžičková kapusta
cabbage = zelí
cauliflower = květák
kale = kapusta
ugly = ošklivý
depression = deprese
ugliness = ošklivost
go over to the couch = jít přes pohovku
lie face down = lehnout si obličejem na zem

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