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Osobnost již neodpovídá. Čtenáři se ptali do 13. října 2006 do 11:05

OTÁZKA: how about a deal, you can build missile base here, area under your jurisdiction and we will get free access to the United States.. malbi
OTÁZKA: Kdy budou Cesi moci cestovat do USA bez viz? Libor
OTÁZKA: Dear Madam, first I would like to say I love US and particularly California. I spent six months there and I really love your country. However, I don’t understand why US authorities do not tell the reason of not granting US Visa to a person. Would it be such a big problem to do so? Current US policy in this area is very humiliating. Isn’t this policy just an easy cover for uncontrollable bureaucracy? Does your country really want to make this arrogant self-image even countries who are your allies? Henry
OTÁZKA: Dobrý den, několikrát jsem v průběhu studia na VŠ navšívil USA v letech 1998-2002, mám tam spoustu přátel a rád bych se jel za nimi opět podívat. Před půl rokem jsem ale dal výpověď v práci a úspěšně podnikám jako živnostník. Jsem svobodný, bezdětný, 32 let s družstevním bytem. Daňové přiznání budu dělat až na jaře 2007. Pokud je požádám, zašlou mi stejně jako za dob studené války, pozvání. V USA ZŮSTAT NECHCI A ANI TAM NECHCI PRACOVAT!!! Mylíte si, že mi na US ambasádě udělí turistické vízum a můžu se s nimi letos na Vánoce setkat v USA? Děkuji za odpověď. Wekl
OTÁZKA: Good morning Mrs. Graffy, I am a student of International relations and I have chosen a subject for my semminary work, which is discussed problem of the visa and Efforts of the Czech republic to have relations with USA dispensing with visas. Where could I find official positions of USA and eventually a development of them? Thak you. Katerina
OTÁZKA: My passport with new visa was stolen on my vacation in the States at the end of July 2006. After two months I received an E-mail from the Emabassy, they find my passport and sent it to me. But it''s impossble to "reactivate" my passport. I''d like to ask why I have to pay the whole fee once again, if my visa is still valid, I have the page with original visa. I read that the fee is for something like border guarding, not only for visa procedure... Many thanks for your answer and have a nice day. Michal Novák
OTÁZKA: How would you react if the Czech Republic required visa from the US citizens? Unfortunately, such a thing is not likely to happen, though. Trimmer
OTÁZKA: Dobry den. Paní naměstkyně chtěl bych znat Váš názor na pobyt našich občanů v USA. Vím,že mnoho jich tam pobývá nelegálně. Sám osobně jich několik znám. Myslím si si ,že to vaše vlada toleruje a i vam vyhovuje. Občane USA to ví a tak někteří toho zneužívají,jako velmi levnou pracovní sílu,jako stavební práce,au pair a pod. je to kratkozrake,protoze nynejsi starší a strední generace je pro spolupraci s USA,ale nastupujici generace jiz takova nebude,bude stejna jako ve Francii a Nemecku. tomas
OTÁZKA: Nezdají se Vám poplatky za vydání víza přemrštěné? Stoupa
OTÁZKA: Why is America seen as arrogant and aggressive nation all over the world? How do you think this picture could be changed? What are you personally doing to change it this negative picture? Thank you and have a nice day! Martin
OTÁZKA: Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat,jaká je šance na zrušení víz do USA, pro občany ČR? Pracuji v letecké splečnosti a toto vízum je pro mne, jako pro trazitujícího cestujícího v podstatě velkou překážkou. Musím si je obstarat aniž bych chtěl přímo do USA letět. Jak vlastně došlo ktomu, že země uprostřed civilizované evropy s bohatou historií a dobrými vztahy s USA, musí mít víza do USA? Děkuji a přeji hezký den. J.T. Josef Tůma
OTÁZKA: Dear madame! Why does the USA government still insist on visa duty for the Czech Republic.? We are members of european union and dont have any terrorist groups focused against the USA.A lot of Czech people is fluent in English and would appriciate opportunity to work in the USA without political restrictions.Thank you for your answer. Ondrej
OTÁZKA: Jak vnímají Spojené státy Českou republiku? Ales
OTÁZKA: Good morning, where do you see yourself in 5 years'' time in your career? I admire ambitious and successful women like you are. Thank you and take care. Alice
OTÁZKA: would it have any effect to report those that exceed their white card validity? If yes, to whom can I report? How to beat myth rooted in Czech minds that to report somebody is to traitor or collaborate? TIA for your kind reply popok
OTÁZKA: What do you think about nuclear test in North Korea? anonym
OTÁZKA: Zvyšuje se procento udělených turistických víz? A je zde reálná šance zrušení víz během jednoho roku? Díky Hana Slabyhoudková
OTÁZKA: What do you see as the biggest sucess in your carrer? Jeff
OTÁZKA: Hi Coleen, why do you have a different meter for different countries within EU? Czech Republic does not have a different meter for different States within US. I am referring to visa to US for Czech citizens who are EU citizens as much as UK citizens. Thank you for your time doing this inverview. All the best in your career! Tom
OTÁZKA: Do you think its fair that a US citizen has free access to the Czech Republic but if a Czech citizen wants to visit the US he has to go through very annoying administrative hurdels. The most supprising question for us is if we were in the NSDAP. Germans who have a visa free regime never get asked that question. Isnt this all a bit silly? Fair
OTÁZKA: Dear Mrs. Graffy I would like to say that the whole point of view of the US will need to change. Not only the Visa policies but the immigration law as well. I know that the United States are scared of terorist but so do we here in Prague now. The US should realize that some countries are not and have never been a terorist threat such as Czech republic. Czech republic is politically on your side and has been always supporting the United States in the war agains terrorism. The imigration and illegal work is another problem in the US. But there should be something that is going to divide illegal workers in two sorts. Mexicans, that do the worst kind of jobs for 2 dollars an hour and those educated inteligent people trying to open businesses in the US and prosper. Me myself I spent 6 years in the US. I have learned the language, I opened my own business, I have been paying taxes and never had trouble with law. SO what sense does it make when someone like me comes to the INS office and says I love this country and I wanna be a legal citizen and they start a deporation process? GEORGE
OTÁZKA: Do USA jezdim nakupovat zbozi pro svuj obchod v CR, postacuje mit pro takovouto aktivitu vizum turisticke, ktere je asi nejjednoduzsi ziskat? V USA pouze nakupuji. anonym
OTÁZKA: Dobrý den,může se v USA člověk nechat oddat?Např.u sochy svobody?A co je k tomu pro Vaši administrativu potřeba?Děkuji kokoska
OTÁZKA: Jak se vy osobne stavite k raketove zakladne v Ceske republice? Je Cesko vasi prioritou, nebo spise davate prednost Polsku? Ales
OTÁZKA: Dobry den, v US mam plno blizkych znamych, ale kvuli vasi vizove povinnosti je uz treba nemusim nikdy videt. Vizum jsem mel, ale bohuzel mi byl odcizen PAS, otazka zni: musim opet znova zadat o vydani viza se vsemi formalitami, kde je prave ta moznost nevydani, ci mi ho vystavite na zaklade vasich zaznamu? Dekuji za odpoved. Tomas
OTÁZKA: Dobry den, kdy se dockame toho, ze se Cesko obejde bez nutnosti absolvovat extremne dlouhe cekani na vizum? Michal
OTÁZKA: Hello! What side di you peeling banaas from? From the tip, or the other one? :) Thanx Ghort
OTÁZKA: Dear Madam, I am one of those dirty Czech, so dangerous to the US. In 1995, I got multi-entry visa 10 (ten) years validity. Reasonably good. In 2005, I again applied - and got only 1 (one) year validity visa. I could not get any explanation from the US staff. And there is hardly any - there has been absolutely no change on my side whatsever. So, what''s wrong with me (my behaviour in the US had been always top quality and beyond) ??? Love, a man. a man


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