Expresially for you: describing various

Expresially for you: describing various

More Facial Expressions

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Continuing our series now on how to describe various facial expressions in English, we return to that Holy Sanctum of Macho Manhood otherwise known as the men’s bathroom at the new Palladium hyper mall.
popisekAngličtina na iDNES.cz

As we learned previously, positioned above each urinal in this bathroom is a photo of at least one woman, each of whom has different facial expressions as they "look" and "react" to the countless displays of male anatomy while "the boyz" are busy watering the porcelain gardens.

As the first photo shows, the two woman on the right are "surprised" at what they see. One of them can’t believe what she is observing, while the other woman is pointing and laughing and what they both agree, is a less than impressive package.

bathroom 03

In the second photo, the woman on the left seems so "impressed," that she has to actually lower her glasses in order to take a closer look to admire the hardware.

By contrast, the second woman in the green shirt is so overwhelmed by what she sees that it causes a heat rush, forcing her to use her hand fan in order to keep cool.

In our last photo, the first woman has an expression on her face which seems to say, "Well, isn’t that cute."

bathroom 03

As every man knows, this can be either good or bad, depending on how a woman defines "cute."

The last woman is "so impressed," she asks if you have a light.

Jokes: Leonardo da CzEnglish Asks:

1. WHY is it that there is never enough time to do it "right," but there is always enough time to do it over?

2. When fans of rap music say that "Rock is dead," Leonardo da CzEnglish says: "Long live paper and scissors."

3. Why do the police never think something is as "funny" as you do?

4. There is always FREE cheese in a mousetrap.

5. Deja Moo - when you’ve heard the same "bull" before.

6. Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it.

7. Children are certainly our future, unless we make a point to stop them NOW!

8. It isn’t really homework until it’s due tomorrow.

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz


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