Metropolitni Expres interviews the founder of CzEnglish

Metropolitni Expres interviews the founder of CzEnglish | foto:

Leonardo da CzEnglish - 1

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Leonardo da CzEnglish is the great, great, great, great, great (we’ve lost count) grandson of Leonardo da Vinci’s longtime Czech girlfriend. Yes, Leonardo da Vinci was a very clever man, for he was the first scientist to prove that all Czech women are beautiful. Recently, Leonardo visited Prague and gave us this exclusive interview.
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Q: What is the greatest difference between British English and American English?

A: British English is more difficult to learn, according to most people, than American English.

The reason for this is very simple. American’s just don’t bother doing things that they think makes no sense. The British, however, love their traditions, even if they make no sense anymore.

Can anyone say Prince Charles?

Q: What makes American English easier to understand than British English?

A: Spelling. Take the word colour in British, versus color in American.

Do you know of any British person, unless they’re pretending to be French, who actually pronounces the "u" in this word?

Q: What are some other differences between American English and British English?

A: Being blunt. American English is much more blunt and direct. With Americans, unless you’re George Bush, you always know what they mean when they speak. With the British, assuming you can understand their 26,243 different dialects, you often have to guess.

The British will say things like "I would rather go to the store."

Well, no one can "rather go" anywhere, physics doesn’t work that way. Instead, you just DO it. Like Nike does.

Americans will tell you what they are doing. They’ll just say "I’m going to the store."

Q: Is British English or American English more clever?

A: The British beat the Americans here, they’re great when they make plays on words, they’re very clever.

Jokes: More Great Bumper Stickers

1. I’m going to miss me when I’m gone.

2. I do whatever the voices in my pants tell me to do.

3. I am NOT an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. I’m a DRUNK!

4. Lawyers and Criminals: What’s the difference?

5. Marriage is Grand, Divorce is 100 Grand.

6. Remember my name, you’ll be screaming it later.

7. I’m hung like Einstein, and as smart as a horse.

8. If farting is an "art" then I am certainly Picasso.

9. Cat - The OTHER white meat.

10. Fish tremble at the sound of my name.

11. I go wherever I’m towed.

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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