The word prune has more than one meaning in English

The word prune has more than one meaning in English | foto: Isifa

Knowing Your “Prunes”

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The word prune has several definitions in English. Let’s briefly review some of them. The first definition of the word prune has to do with a term which essentially refers to cutting back on something, trimming or paring it down.
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Examples: "Our boss said we had to prune our marketing budget this year since our profits are down" or "She really wants me to stay home this weekend to help her prune the bushes."

In these examples, the use of the word prune means to cut back or trim down or to trim back on or to reduce the quantity or size of something.

Another definition of the word prune has to do with a kind of fruit which is found in nature.

Prunes are usually dark, purple-colored fruits which are very sweet. Prunes are really a type of dried plum. Some people like them fresh and soft, while others prefer them a bit on what is called the "dry side" or dried prunes.

Prunes are rich in calcium, iron, and potassium, and they contain a chemical known as dihydroxyphenyl isatin which stimulates your bowels.

Many farmers or "country folk" will drink prune juice to help relieve various forms of constipation, while others will use teas or eat other fruits such as peaches, grapefruit, or nectarines to also help their digestive systems and lower intestines.

                    Jokes of the Day

Here are some more blonde jokes, back by popular demand:

Q: Did you hear about the blonde woman who told a nuclear physicist that she just loved nuclear fission?

She told him this because she wanted to know what was used for bait!

Q: Did you hear about the blonde woman who was so clever, that she decided she would kill a worm by burying it deep inside the Earth?

Q: Did you hear about the blonde woman who insisted on having a window seat during her airplane flight?

A: She did this because she had just dyed her hair.

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