The leaning tower of Pisa leans to the right some 5.5 degrees off center

The leaning tower of Pisa leans to the right some 5.5 degrees off center | foto: Martin Klička

Know What Lean Means - Part 2

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The word lean has several different meaning in the English language. Let’s review a few more of them here in Part II. Another definition for the word lean has to do with physics. When something leans, this means essentially that it is pointed or facing or "fixed" or exists at a specific direction or location.
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Example: "The leaning tower of Pisa leans to the right some 5.5 degrees off center" or "That building is starting to lean a bit, I think we need to reinforce some of the walls or it could possibly collapse."

Judge or Jury Leans
In the same way that to lean towards something is to have an opinion or a set of views, the word lean is also used in court and in other areas involving official decisions by either commissions or even governments. Examples:

"The judge is leaning towards dismissing the whole case, he doesn’t think there is really any evidence" or "The jury is leaning towards finding that person guilty.

The DNA evidence that the prosecution presented was very persuasive" or "The commission is leaning right now towards fining that company several million Euros for breaking the environmental laws."

Lean Times
When a person or a family or a company are experiencing what are called "lean times," this means that "things" are not going as they usually would be expected. It could mean that profits or sales or income are down, or are being cut back. Examples:

"When oil prices rise too high, the auto industry always starts experiencing lean times," or "During a recession, many families go through some lean times."

Joke of the Day: True Butt Amazing Stories

In the city of Oakland, California, police received reports of a man who had a gun who refused to come out of his apartment.

After two hours of yelling at the man’s residence through a bullhorn, there was no answer.

Next, the police began to fire off tear gas canisters, lobbing a total of TEN of them into the man’s small apartment, firing through and breaking the windows of his house.

Still, there was no answer.

As it turned out, the man the police wanted the entire time was standing right NEXT to them, telling the police that there was "no way" the man in the apartment would ever surrender!

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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