The word “kick” is used in several creative ways in English

The word “kick” is used in several creative ways in English | foto:

Just for Kicks, Kicking It

The word kick has several different meanings in the English language depending on how it is used. For today’s column, let’s explore a few of them. The first definition of the word kick has to do with physical motion. As any football fan will tell you, when you kick a ball, you strike it with your foot.
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Example: "He kicked the ball really fast, and scored the winning goal."

The word kick also has another definition: owing to its sports origins, it can also mean having beaten something, as in defeated or having conquered it. Examples:

"John kicked his smoking habit, he doesn’t smoke anymore" or "Pavel kicked his weight problem, he isn’t fat anymore and he now exercises regularly."

The phrase "to kick" in this case comes from the longer expression "to kick the habit," as in to beat or defeat something.

Just Kicking or Just Kickin’ It
When someone is "just kicking it," this means that they are relaxing and are not doing very much. Examples:

"John and Tomas were just kicking it, the weather was really hot and they were enjoying the shade," or "Mary and Steve were just kicking it down by the lake, relaxing by themselves and being romantic."

One again, the phrase "just kicking it" is a casual way of saying that a person is "just chilling."

Just for Kicks
When someone does something "just for kicks," this is another way of saying that they are doing it just because they can, or just for fun or perhaps to amuse themselves. When someone "gets a kick out of it," this means that they enjoyed it.

   Jokes of the Day: Totally Useless Info

1. Nearly 20% of all men never remember their wedding anniversary. Nearly 100% of all women never forget this fact.

2. About 8% of all documents in the average office eventually end up lost. And this is without any tunneling or corruption going on.

3. Tuesday is the most productive work day in the western world. Friday is the least.

4. The most remote ATM machine in the world is located in McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

5. The MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas washes as many as 15,000 pillow covers each day.

6. In the USA, there are actual laws in place which cover the collection of taxes after nuclear war!

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Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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