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Expressions starting with the letter "A"

There are thousands of expressions in the English language. In the new Kal’s Korner Online Web site, our objective is to eventually include ALL known expressions. Presently, we have finished everything we know of for the letter "A". We are now working on populating the letter "B".

President Kennedy served in the U. S. Navy during WW II and thus drew from his wartime experience

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This process will continue until all known expressions,  A-Z, are published on the Web site.

If you know of any expressions that you would like to see added to this grand master list which is meant for everyone to use, please feel free to email me and send them in for consideration for submission.

Again, the objective here is to provide a FREE online source for everyone containing the most comprehensive and complete list of all known expressions in the English language.

Let us now review a few which begin with the letter "A" and explore their usage and meanings.

All Over the Shop
This is a British expression in English. The American equivalent of this same expression is "all over the place".

When something is "all over the shop" this means that things are disorganized, or that they might be in literal chaos. It means a lack of focus, and it is usually a sign that "things" are not getting done.

Examples: "His presentation was all over the shop, it was hard to follow what he was saying" or "His thoughts were all over the shop. I didn’t understand most of what he said" or "His marketing plan is all over the shop, it lacks focus and will not succeed in our target markets".

Alike as Two Peas
This is another British English expression. The American equivalent would be "just like two peas in a pod".

When something is "alike as two peas" this means that they are virtually identical or are virtually the same.

Examples: "The Novak brothers are as alike as two peas, they both want to be police officers just like their father is" or "That married couple is as alike as two peas, they have so much in common, love each other very much, and are happy".

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
This is an expression in American English that was made world famous by U.S. President by John F. Kennedy.

This expression communicates the idea that when an economy is doing well, all people benefit from this fact.

President Kennedy served in the U. S. Navy during WW II and thus drew from his wartime experience, later using it as an "inspiration" for this quote.

Many people are unaware of this fact, but Kennedy wrote many of his own speeches and thoughts. Yes, he had a speech writer, but he was also a journalist in his own right, and in fact won a Pulitzer Prize.

Joke and Amazing Real Quotes of the Day

1. Q: WHY can’t President Clinton drive a car?

A: Because she doesn’t have a Driver’s License.

2. "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country." -- Mayor Marion Barry, the city of Washington, D.C.

3. "He didn’t say that. He was reading what was given to him in a speech." -- Richard Darman, explaining why President Bush didn’t keep one of his promises.

4. "The doctors X-rayed my head and found nothing." -- Dizzy Dean, after being hit in the head with a baseball in the 1934 World Series.

5. "I didn’t accept it. I received it." -- Richard Allen, the National Security Advisor to President Reagan, explaining how he "received" $1,000 in cash, along with two fancy watches from two Japanese journalists.

6. "I haven’t committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." -- David Dinkins, Mayor of New York City.

7. "If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts." -- Albert Einstein.

8. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -- Albert Einstein.

Key Article Words in English

equivalent = ekvivalent
pod = lusk/tobolka
all people benefit = všichni lidé mají prospěch
and thus drew = a takto sestavit/táhnout
wartime experience = válečná zkušenost
speech writer = pisatel projevů
Pulitzer Prize = Pulitzerova cena
driver’s license = řidičský průkaz
Mayor = starosta
X-rayed my head = zrentgenovat mou hlavu (min.)
along with = spolu s
watches = hodinky
fail to comply = selhat v dodržení práva

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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