Blue with the flu

Blue with the flu | foto:

Expressions for Feeling - Part 3

As Winter starts to settle in and get comfortable, people are starting to get their seasonal colds again. Here are some expressions in English which you can use to help describe yourself when you are catching a cold or already may have one.
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When someone feels "under the weather," this means that they don’t feel well. It could be because of something they ate, perhaps they didn’t get enough sleep, or it could be that they have a cold.

Sometimes, as people are starting to get sick, they’ll also use this expression. Examples:

"John said that he was feeling a bit under the weather and won’t be able to make it to the meeting today" or "Sarah said that she is starting to feel a bit under the weather, so she won’t go outside tonight."

Getting one’s "bell rung"
When someone "gets their bell rung," this means that they are either not feeling well, or they may actually be in pain. Examples:

"I sure got my bell rung when I was in Asia last week. I didn’t get my shots and ended up catching this nasty flu bug" or "Be careful, this new cold epidemic can really ring your bell. You feel tired, dizzy, nauseous, and there’s a lot of congestion."

The term "getting one’s bell rung" can also refer to sports. Examples:

"That boxer got his bell rung in the first round. He got hit with a right hand cross and fell straight to the canvas" or "That football team got their bell rung last night by the Czech team. The score was 17-0!"

Blue with the flu
When someone is "blue with the flu," this is another way of saying that they are "down with the flu" or that they "have a case of the flu."

The use of the word blue in this context simply means that the person is not feeling well, whether it be emotionally or physically.

Joke of the Day: More Differences Between Men and Women II

1. Q: What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?

A: A widow.

2. How do you know when a woman is about to say something really intelligent?

A: They’ll always start off their sentence with the words: "A man once told me..."

3. WHY are blonde jokes short?

A: So men can remember them.

4. Q: What is the best way to insure that you always remember your wife’s birthday?

A: Try forgetting it just once!

5. Leonardo da CzEnglish says: "Women will never be like men until they are bald, have a beer gut and still think they’re attractive."

6. To men, chocolate is just a snack. To women, it’s to DIE for.

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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