While countless millions drink cow’s milk, this does not mean that everyone’s body handles it very well

While countless millions drink cow’s milk, this does not mean that everyone’s body handles it very well | foto: Profimedia.cz

Do You Know Your Milks?

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Milk. A vital liquid all mammals depend on for survival, from birth to sometimes up through their entire life. Let’s briefly review what it is about milk which makes it so important, and how beneficial it is, depending on how you consume it.
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In the west, the most common type of milk that people consume which comes from animals is cow’s milk. Cow’s milk is rich in vitamins A, B2, D, E and K. It also contains many complete proteins, phosphorous, and of course the vital element of calcium, which is critical for healthy teeth and good bone development.

While countless millions drink cow’s milk, this does not mean that everyone’s body handles it very well. Indeed, some people suffer from a condition called lactose intolerance, which causes their stomachs get upset after they drink milk. This is because drinking milk increases the levels of lactic acid in the human body.

To counter this, consumers can buy various kinds of milk which will not cause lactose intolerance. The fact there is a widespread market for these kinds of milk, proves that lactose intolerance is a problem that affects millions of people.

Cow’s Milk and Pregnancy
Cow’s milk should never be considered as a substitute for real mother’s milk. Milk from human beings is always best when feeding newborn babies. If you give newborn babies cow’s milk, you should wait until they are old enough, which varies from person to person.

Goat’s Milk
Most people in the west are unaware that goat’s milk is much better for the human body than cow’s milk is. Nutritionally and chemically speaking, goat’s milk is extremely rich in fluorine, ten times greater in fact than cow’s milk.

Goat’s milk is even better for babies who are old enough to handle milk and do not have any allergies, than cow’s milk is.

Joke of the Day

President George W. Bush was at an airport when he sees a man with a long beard, dressed in a white flowing robe, standing all by himself in the corner.

Staring at the man, Bush walks over and says, "Excuse me, but aren’t you Moses?"

After asking his question, the man in the white robe says nothing, looks away and ignores Bush.

"Excuse me, but aren’t you Moses?" Bush asks the man again.

Ignoring Bush, the man says nothing, and makes a point to look away so he can’t see Bush. "Ok, I know you can hear me," says Bush, "So why won’t you answer my question?"

Suddenly, Moses says, "Because the last time I looked and talked to a bush, it was on fire and I ended up stuck in the desert, wandering around for 40 years!"

Key Article Words in English

milk = mléko
proteins = bílkoviny
calcium = vápník
phosphorus = fosfor
lactose intolerance = laktózová nesnášenlivost
goat’s milk = kozí mléko
white flowing robe = splývající bílá vlečka/roucho
staring = zírající
bush = křoví/divočina
fire = oheň
stuck = zaseknout se
desert = poušť
wandering = potulující

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