The best way to illustrate the color green is to use plants and things like grass in order to explain it.

The best way to illustrate the color green is to use plants and things like grass in order to explain it. | foto: Jaroslava Živocká

Do You Know Your Green?

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The word green in the English language can be used in many different ways and appears in several expressions. Let’s review a few of them.

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The first definition of the word green has to do with color. Green, of course, is a color.

The best way to illustrate the color green is to use plants and things like grass in order to explain it. Grass, when healthy, is green in color.

Greener Grass
When someone decides that they want to go to "greener pastures" or "where the grass is greener", this is another way of saying that they want to change things and improve themselves.

Examples: "He did not renew his contract with the football team. He went over to the other league where the grass was greener" or "He left politics and went on to greener pastures by becoming a private consultant".

When people don’t say "greener pastures" or use the word grass in this expression, sometimes they will substitute the word fields instead.

Example: "He left that small company and went to where the fields are much greener. He now works at Microsoft."

He’s "Green"
When someone is "green" this means that they are either new to the job, or have never done it before.

Examples: "We can’t have any ‘green types’ on this project, we need only experienced professionals" or "He’s still a bit on the green side, he still has to learn a many important things."

Going Green
When someone or something is "going green" this means that changes are being made to help protect the environment, or reduce waste or pollution.

Examples: "The company has decided to go green, they won’t put toxic waste in the ground anymore" or "If everyone went green for just one day a week, the environment would immediately improve and be healthier."

Jokes and Riddles from Expres Readers

1. Q: Does a fly remain a "fly" if you remove its wings? Or, do you call it a "walk" instead?

2. Q: If you are an AMERICAN before you enter the bathroom, and you remain an AMERICAN after you finish and leave, what are you when you are inside the bathroom, using it?

A: A YOUR A PEE UN (European) of course!

3. Q: If CON is the opposite of PRO in the English language, then what is the opposite of the word PROGRESS?

5. Q: What does a 2,000 kilo canary say?

A: "Come here, kitty, kitty."

6. Two cannibals were busy eating a clown for dinner. Suddenly, one of them says to the other, "Excuse me, but does this taste a little funny to you?"

Key Article Words in English

plants = rostliny
grass = tráva
healthy = zdravý
pastures = pastviny
other league = jiná liga
fields = pole
reduce waste = snížit odpad
for just one day = jen a jeden den
fly = moucha
pee (urinate) = čurat
con (against) = proti
pro (for) = pro
canary = kanárek
kitty = kočička
cannibals = kanibal
clown = klaun

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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