When someone has a lot of hair, you can say that they are

When someone has a lot of hair, you can say that they are | foto: Head&Shoulders

Do You Know Your Bears?

While everyone knows what bears are, non-native speakers of English may be unaware that the word bear is used in several expressions in English. Let’s review a few of the more popular ones.
popisekAngličtina na iDNES.cz

When someone is "as hungry as a bear" this is another way of simply saying that they are very hungry.

The idea comes from the behavior of bears, who hibernate during the winter months and don’t eat, then emerge when the season improves with what can only be called a "bear appetite."

Hairy as a bear, back like a bear
Bears, like human beings, are mammals. This means that they have hair, are born live (instead of needing to hatch from eggs, like reptiles do) and must feed while young from mother’s milk.

When someone has a lot of hair, you can say that they are "as hairy as a bear."

When a person has a lot of hair on their back, one can say that such a person has a "bear back."

Mean as a bear
This expression is probably equally obvious: whenever someone behaves badly or is mean, we say that such a person is "as mean as a bear."

Unfortunately, where it concerns some people, this analogy is unfair to bears! Bears don’t start wars, -- people do.

Jokes: WhizDumb of Leonardo da CzEnglish

1. Whenever someone tries to "impress" you with their fancy titles or how many degrees they have, tell them that you, yourself, have a degree inLiberal Arts. Next, ask them if they want french fries with their order.

2. Ham and eggs: a day’s work for the chicken, a lifetime commitment for the pig.

3. Science has proven that 7/5 of all people simply do NOT understand fractions.

4. A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.

5. Assumption is the Mother of All Screw-ups.

6. Everyone is someone else’s weirdo.

7. An unaimed arrow never misses.

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz


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