
Taliban pustil amerického vojáka, v Afghánistánu ho držel pět let

Taliban propustil amerického vojáka Bowe Bergdahla zajatého v Afghánistánu od roku 2009. Voják byl předán Spojeným státům, oznámil americký prezident Barack Obama. Taliban s propuštěním Američana souhlasil pod podmínkou, že USA pustí pět jeho členů z věznice na základně Guantánamo na Kubě.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

J46a57n 46Č22e39k31a57l

2. 6. 2014 8:07

Jaké PUSTIL? Pustit znamená poslat na svobodu bez vlastního zisku, oni ho VYMĚNILI, za pět vlastních, to je sakra rozdíl, tak z nich nedělejte nějaké lidumily...

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J65o77s47e37f 37V54a22n93a

1. 6. 2014 20:26

"Forwarded from Jeff Howard. "We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to "walk the earth" and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”. Next morning he's gone. We search everywhere, and can't find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a compass and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are. We get hits on our voice intercepter that Taliban has him, and we were close. We come to realize the kid deserted his post, snuck out of camp and sought out Taliban… to join them. We were in a defensive position at OP Mest, where your focus is to keep people out. He knew where the blind spots were to slip out and that's what he did. It was supposed to be a 4-day mission but turned into several months of active searching. Everyone was spun up to find this guy. News outlets all over the country were putting out false information. It was hard to see, especially when we knew the truth about what happened and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Many others from various units were wounded or killed while actively looking for Bergdahl. Fighting Increased. IEDs and enemy ambushes increased. The Taliban knew that we were looking for him in high numbers and our movements were predictable. Because of Bergdahl, more men were out in danger, and more attacks on friendly camps and positions were conducted while we were out looking for him. His actio

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Myslíte že na něm zkoušeli jeho " věznitelé" take to simulované topení se nebo nějaký jiný druh humanitárního mučení ?...Jsem zvědav, co bude říkat....

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To je ještě dobrej kurs 5:1, to Izraelci měnili Šalita v kurzu 1000:1.

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Novodobý Rambo

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kterej se nechal zajmout , když na něj namířili motykou , aby si mohl dát zadara heráku ;-D

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Ted se vrati zpet jako valecny veteran a bude mi problem zaradit se zpet do spolecnosti tak s depresi postrili nekolik lidi a nakonec ho zase zavrou.;-( Pet let

je hodne dlouha doba na to aby ste se vratili ve stejnem psychyckem rozpolozeni jako kdyz ste tam sli.

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Tak doufám, že všichni talibánci už jsou řádně očipováni;-)

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Takže si za přepadení cizího státu odseděl 5 let. Poměrně přiměřené.

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Takže Půťa by měl dostat 5 let za Ukrajinu Sašo?

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Že by takový Nicholas Brody? :-)

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Dalších 5 let jej bude vyslýchat FBIR^

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