
Scream, Screaming Queen

The words scream and dream are used in many expressions in the English language. Let’s review a few of them. In English, the word scream means to yell really loudly. It is very rare, when a person screams, that you cannot hear them.
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6. 8. 2007 16:41
Screaming Queens

Captain Cook is ALWAYS complaining & screaming about Kal's facts and spelling. What is amusing 8-o is that today, Kal, in an attempt to call him a nasty name, chose one that I ALWAYS pictured Captain Cook to be, a Screaming Queen! I've got an extraordinary sixth sense about these things, but now that Kal has said it, maybe it's not that extraordinary. :-/

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6. 8. 2007 18:01
Re: Screaming Queens

Here's my favorite:



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