
Popular Expressions - 4

Here are more of some of the most commonly used expressions in English, often said by native speakers. In America, when people are talking, sometimes the person who is listening will ask the question: "Come Again?" This expression is another way of asking the person to repeat what it is that they are saying. It is a variation of "Can you say it again?"
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captain cook

17. 5. 2007 13:28
How's that?

Na rozdil od americtiny, ruzne staty britskeho spolecenstvi narodu a dalsi staty mimo nej vi, ze "How's that?" je zakladni otazka rozhodcimu v kriketu jestli uzna wicket anebo ne. To znamena staty jako VB a z nich predevsim Anglie, pak Jizni Afrika, Indie, Pakistan, Banglades, Sri Lanka, Australie, Novy Zealand, Irsko, narody Karibiku, Zimbabwe, Kenya a dokonce i v Kanade a Holansku tomu rozumi. Ovsem Kal to nevi, protoze zna jenom americtinu, americke zvyky a tradice, americke idiomy a to vsechno tady predklada  ctenarum pod pojmem "anglictina".Rv 

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