
U.S. Presidential Race 2

Although it would be easy to think that the upcoming U.S. Presidential election is really a battle between liberals and conservatives, or the right wing vs. the left wing in politics, things really are not this simple.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


21. 4. 2007 19:06
David Duke for president.

A nebo Pat Buchanan R^.

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21. 4. 2007 20:38
Go Rudy Go!

Já jsem minule na Tipsportu.cz vsadil $500 na George Bushe, když on platil even money. V den Voleb on vracel na každý dollar už jenom pak dollar třicet. Nejsnadnější peníze jaké jsem kdy vsadil.

Nepředpokládám že to bude tak snadné v 2008, záleží kdo bude ty mé krásné Republikány reprezentovat. Bude-li to Rudolph Giuliani, a všechen čas k těm volbám půjde tak jak si myslím že půjde, vsadím pak farmu na Rudy Giuliani! R^GO RUDY GOR^

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captain cook

20. 4. 2007 6:58
zas ten Kaluv slovnik!!!!..... INSURE vs ENSURE

"..which are designed to help insure Rv that governments serve the people..."

Slovo INSURE je pouzito v clanku aspon 3x a vzdycky nespravne. Kal zrejme vubec nechape rozdil v pouzivani sloves “to insure" =pojistit a "to ensure" = zajistit a jejich odvozenin. V anglictine "to insure " se pouziva jenom ve spojeni a smyslu s pojistovnami, pojistenim, pojistkami atd. V ostatnich pripadech se pouziva "to ensure" a odvozeniny. ... “zajistit, ze vlada slouzi lidu”…=..."to help ENSURE that governments serve the people..."

 A obdobne v dalsich pripadech.

“by ENSURING that …can hold office”…= “zajistenim, ze….smi zastavat urad”

Kdyby Kal trval na pouziti slova “insuring”, musel by vetu preformulovat na “insuring themselves against a possibility that…. can hold office” …=… “ pojistenim se proti moznosti…smet zastavat urad”

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captain cook

20. 4. 2007 7:02
Re: zas ten Kaluv slovnik!!!!..... INSURE vs ENSURE

Je nesporne, ze INSURE a ENSURE jsou si vyslovnosti velmi podobne a lide si je nezridka pletou, kdyz je pouzivaji v psane forme. Jenomze od nekoho, kdo sem pise jako autorita na lekce anglictiny bych ocekaval, ze si zajisti aby to bylo spravne.

In the interest of his credibility as an English teacher on iDnes, Kal should ENSURE elementary errors such as these are avoided.!

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20. 4. 2007 4:52
Great Minds Think Alike

"Although it would be easy to think that the upcoming U.S. Presidential election is really a battle between liberals and conservatives, or the right wing vs. the left wing in politics, things really are not this simple ... most Americans vote for the person, instead of the political party." - Kal Korff



"In choosing a president, we really don't choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or liberal. We choose a leader." -Rudy Giuliani


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19. 4. 2007 23:37
Did you know that in the U.S. ....

...... only about one in five men with prostate cancer will die from it?  As opposed to over half of Brits and nearly half of Germans and Frenchmen who will. If I told you how Canucks and Czecho men fare you'd probably throw up, so I won't.

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20. 4. 2007 0:30
Re: Did you know that in the U.S. ....

"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." -P. J. O'Rourke   ;-D

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19. 4. 2007 23:13
Bílé vlajky

Vidím tady že v "Joke of the Day" si Kal dělá legraci z Maďarů ( Hungarians).   Je to pravdou že Češi si z nich začali dělat srandu po té 1956 Revoluci, protože Maďaři zase zapoměli na to na co ti chytří Češi nikdy nezapomenou, včas ušít ty bílé vlajky?  ?:-/

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19. 4. 2007 21:21
Go Rudy Go

R^GO RUDY GO !!!R^       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IrE6FMpai8           R^GO RUDY GO !!!R^

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