
Expressions starting with the letter "A"

There are thousands of expressions in the English language. In the new Kal’s Korner Online Web site, our objective is to eventually include ALL known expressions. Presently, we have finished everything we know of for the letter "A". We are now working on populating the letter "B".
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.

captain cook

30. 3. 2007 4:49

doufam, ze te Kal verejne pochvali, zes mu usetril praci: zagoogloval jsi a s pomoci dvou tebou nejcasteji pouzivanych klicu CTR+C a CTR+V jsi mu to tady vytapetoval. ;-D 

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belgian chocolate

30. 3. 2007 8:22

Kal 80% z toho nerozumí a zbylých 20% se mu s přehledem podaří zkomolit

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30. 3. 2007 0:45
MY expressions starting with the letter "A"

Against the grain. Al fresco. American as apple pie. Am I talking to a brick wall. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple never falls far from the tree. An axe to grind. Ants in his pants. The apple of his eye. As clear as mud. As cold as ice. As common as dirt. As delicate as a flower. As fresh as a daisy. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. As hot as hell. As poor as dirt. As sensitive as a flower. As slow as molasses. As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party. As white as snow. At the bottom of the pecking order. At the crack of dawn. 

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captain cook

29. 3. 2007 15:34
and thus drew = a takto sestavit/táhnout????

1) "drew" je minuly cas slovesa "to draw"

 tahnout = "to draw"

 V danem propade  "Kennedy thus drew" se nejlepe prelozi jako "Kennedy tak tezil" ze sve valecne zkusenosti. Rozhodne nic nesestavil a rici, ze tahnul ze sve valecne zkusenosti je hodne tezkopadny preklad.

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29. 3. 2007 15:14
Handling English articles

Library catalogues of English books ignore "A" and "THE". Thus "A Tale of Two Cities" is filed under "T" and "The African Queen" under "A" You might want to consider doing the same. 

File "A rolling stone gathers no moss" under "R" and "A bird in the hand is worh two in the bush" under "B" or your A list will never end. 

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belgian chocolate

29. 3. 2007 10:51
All the expressions known

to Kal - not very impressive, methinks. Maybe you should hire a five year old to help you expand your vocabulary.

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