
Teroristé pohrozili kvůli Iráku Maďarsku

Až sto tisíc dolarů nabízí skupina údajně napojená na teroristy maďarským vojákům, když do 1. května opustí Irák. Jinak zaútočíme na kostely a nádraží, tvrdí "speciální maďarská akční skupina Al-Kajda" v dopise vlivnému listu Magyar Hírlap.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


9. 4. 2004 8:37
Podle http://www.jordantimes.com jsou prave v rozvarenem regionu Iraku Polaci a ne Madari. No a Spanele najali Mosad na boj proti teroristum, to se dady taky nepise, stejne jako vyhozeni do povetri Zakladni zidovske skoly v Montrealu Assassinovymi brigadami narodniho osvobozeni. Zda se ze IDNES zaspali dobu, boj proti krestansko-zidovskym nevericim nabyva na intenzite.
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9. 4. 2004 0:39
Pravda o Francii a Rusku
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry complains that President Bush pursued a unilateralist foreign policy that gave short shrift to the concerns of the United Nations and our allies when it came to taking military action against Saddam Hussein. But the mounting evidence of scandal that has been uncovered in the U.N. Oil For Food program suggests that there was never a serious possibility of getting Security Council support for military action because influential people in Russia and France were getting paid off by Saddam. After the fall of Baghdad last spring, France and Russia tried to delay the lifting of sanctions against Iraq and continue the Oil for Food program. That's because France and Russia profited from it: The Times of London calculated that French and Russian companies received $11 billion worth of business from Oil for Food between 1996 and 2003. Most disturbing are Iraqi records that suggest Benon Sevan, the executive director of the Oil for Food office, received a voucher for 11.5 million barrels of oil from Saddam's manipulation of the program — enough to yield a profit of between $575,000 and $3.5 million. In a series of articles published earlier this year, the Iraqi independent newspaper al Mada reported on a list of several hundred individuals, corporations and political parties that benefited from Saddam's oil vouchers and explained how the system worked. The intent of the program was to sell Iraqi oil to pay for food and medicine for the Iraqi people, who were suffering due to sanctions. Instead, vouchers were doled out as gifts or as payment for goods imported into the country in violation of U.N. sanctions. The recipient would then turn the voucher over to one of a number of firms operating in the United Arab Emirates, in exchange for commissions ranging anywhere from 5 cents to 30 cents per barrel, depending on market conditions. (This translates into a profit of $50,000 on the low end and $300,000 on the hig
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9. 4. 2004 0:00
Francie a Rusko velke nelegalni podvody
Yesterday, we noted the growing scandal in the U.N. Oil for Food program and the fact that billions of dollars that were supposed to provide food and medical care to the Iraqi people were used by Saddam Hussein to bribe powerful people around the world into opposing sanctions against his regime. Today, we focus on the one positive result of the scandal: It has begun to cause some in the Arab world to take a more introspective look at the behavior of Arabs who took money from Saddam — and specifically, to examine whether the money caused them to remain silent while the dictator killed and brutalized millions of their fellow Arabs. While the Arab media have generally ignored the subject thus far, that has begun to change, according to materials recently translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). For example, Abd Al-Ghani Mahmoud, head of the International Law Department at Al-Azhar University in Egypt (a leading institution in the training of Islamic legal scholars), was blistering in his condemnation of those in the Arab world who profited from Saddam's largesse. "Those who have the instruments to influence their peoples — intellectuals, politicians, political parties or institutions — have become in some of these countries propaganda mouthpieces for a corrupt dictatorial regime which has dragged the whole region into oblivion," Mr. Mahmoud said in an interview published last month. He also said that "those who collected money from this regime, which destroyed its people with chemical weapons while enjoying a life of luxury in palaces during their sanctions, are partners in wr! onging the [Iraqi] people through their silence about the corruption. They must be punished morally by publishing their names and what they have received, so they will serve as an example for others." In the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyassa, columnist Shaker Al-Nabulsi expressed his astonishment that Leith Shbeilat, an Islamist militant and member of the
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8. 4. 2004 23:58
Skandal vysel na jevo
Proc se tady nepise o skandalu ktery nedavno vysel na jevo "ropa za potraviny" Francie a Rusko vydelavali biliony dolaru od Saddama deti v Iraku umirali hlady a nemeli na leky a Francie s Ruskem tohle podporovali.Uz vite proc tyhle zeme nechteli valku v Iraku? Ne neslo jim o to,ze tam budou umirat nevinni lide slo jim o penize o velky nelegalni kseft ktery meli se Saddamem.
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8. 4. 2004 22:11
Mě se to nezdá
podle mě se jedná o nejapný žert nebo spíš pokus nějakého idiota.
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8. 4. 2004 19:56
Kámeldžákí !!
Už to bude.... konečně vyzkoušíme atomové bombičky !!!
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8. 4. 2004 22:27
nesouhlasím, na území USA by jich bylo potřeba moc, nehodlám kvůli hloupým ami vyvolat globální ekologickou katastrofu
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8. 4. 2004 19:50
a uz to mame tady
 mnozej se celkem rychle, je jen otazka casu, kdy se objevi v cr.  to jsem zvedav na nase zastance okupace iraku USA. co na to povedej, nejaky moudro nebo reseni....
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8. 4. 2004 20:40
objevi se brzo, to se da celkem ocekavat. Je to proto, ze ve spanelsku to fungovalo. Je potreba neustupovat a nevyjednavat. Jedine tak je mozny s tim neco udelat.
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8. 4. 2004 19:38
500 EURO
Ceskym vojakum, kteri mi prijedou pomoci v lete na chalupu nabizim 500 Euro mesicne....... Alespon budou uzitecni.
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8. 4. 2004 17:26
bohatá Al-Kajdá
Jestli mají takových prachů, že můžou dát vojákovi 100000 EUR, pak zbídačení muslimové v uprchlických táborech nemají problém - Al-Kajdá dobrodinec jim pomůže :o)
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8. 4. 2004 18:06
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8. 4. 2004 17:22
Alkajda nechce,aby v Iraku nastala svobodda a tak udelaji cokoliv, aby tomu zabranili.I kdyby vsichni vojaci z Iraku odesli,Alkajda bude nadale zabijet umyslne nevinne,tak jako zabijeli uz davno pred valkou v Iraku.
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8. 4. 2004 17:34
kajda zabíjí civilisty stejně jako usa ty makovice, liší se jen propagandou, nevážím si ani jedné strany
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