
Unavené hrozby prý natočil Saddám

V Bagdádu se objevila páska, ze které unavený mužský hlas vyzývá Iráčany k tajné válce proti americkým vojákům. Kazetu údajně nahrál Saddám Husajn. V pondělí ji náhodou získali novináři z listu Sydney Morning Herald. Pásku si vyslechli jazykovědci a několik Iráčanů. Většina z nich se domnívá, že hlas i rétorika patří diktátorovi.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


12. 5. 2003 21:36
Weapons taskforce leaves in failure (Rory McCarthy in Baghdad Monday May 12, 2003 ) >>> The US military task force hunting for chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in Iraq is to leave within a month, having found no trace of any illegal weapons, according to a report yesterday. Troops with the 75th Exploitation Task Force, which has led the search for Saddam Hussein's banned weapons programme over the past seven weeks, say they are increasingly frustrated with their failure to find any banned weapons, the Washington Post said. The news came as the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Richard Myers, told reporters at Camp as-Sayliyah in Qatar that banned weapons may still be in the hands of Iraqi republican guard units. The US authorities "are asking ourselves" whether that danger still existed, Gen Myers said. "We try to interrogate [prisoners] with that in mind." Colonel Richard McPhee, who will conclude the 75th Task Force's operations in June, told the Washington Post that intelligence reports before the war showed Saddam had given "release authority" for chemical weapons to be used. "There had to have been something to use - and we haven't found it," he said. "Books will be written on that in the intelligence community for a long time. My unit has not found chemical weapons. That's a fact." Another, larger US force - the Iraq Survey Group - will be sent out to continue the search for weapons, but it will include fewer specialists, the paper said. Coalition officials, including George Bush himself, have said recently that the work of inspecting sites had only just begun. Of a US central command list of 19 top weapons sites, all but two have been searched already. Another 45 sites searched so far from a list of 68 thought to contain some evidence of banned weapons have also yielded nothing. "We came to bear country, we came loaded for bear, and we found out the bear wasn't here," an officer with the US defence intelligence agency was quoted as saying. <<<
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Júlinek šíšal

12. 5. 2003 21:49
... sás nyc-ná-šly ?
ktyš ten pušík ták checki pyl na-mlu-fit f tem emeryk entr-prajs inš-tút :"...And we're showing them the definition of American justice. (Applause.) And we are opposing the greatest danger in the war on terror: outlaw regimes arming with weapons of mass destruction." ... népo: "The danger posed by Saddam Hussein and his weapons cannot be ignored or wished away. The danger must be confronted. We hope that the Iraqi regime will meet the demands of the United Nations and disarm, fully and peacefully. If it does not, we are prepared to disarm Iraq by force. Either way, this danger will be removed. (Applause.)" ... sli-šíti puše chnetka šíšal muše spyn-katí fkli-tku....teš "We will also lead in carrying out the urgent and dangerous work of destroying chemical and biological weapons. We will provide security against those who try to spread chaos, or settle scores, or threaten the territorial integrity of Iraq. We will seek to protect Iraq's natural resources from sabotage by a dying regime, and ensure those resources are used for the benefit of the owners -- the Iraqi people. (Applause.) " népo " The first to benefit from a free Iraq would be the Iraqi people, themselves." ...topy i šíšal mýti sá-fist. Tetka furt eštjě apr nyc!
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12. 5. 2003 7:54
Amerikáni, nehrejte komedii!
Nikdo neviděl Bina z Al, Husajn uniká. Děláte si z prostých lidí blázny. Vždyť to jsou vaší lidé. /Jako Miloševič/ Komedianti!! Běžte do Národního.
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11. 5. 2003 0:00
příspěvek zrušen
(Příspěvek byl zrušen redakcí )
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12. 5. 2003 21:28
Re: příspěvek zrušen-proč?
proč jste to zrušili-tady má být svobodatisku
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9. 5. 2003 22:47
pro antiaraby a jiné spasitele našich civilizačních hodnot ?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The war in Iraq may have strained traditional U.S. alliances, but it has strengthened ties between Washington and some slightly lower-profile players. The Emir of Qatar -- whose country hosted the U.S. Central Command during the war -- received a warm welcome from President George W. Bush at the White House. "You made some promises to America and you kept your promises. We are honored to call you friend," Bush told the Emir. Qatar will soon replace Saudi Arabia as the new home for U.S. regional air operations.
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12. 5. 2003 12:05
Re: pro antiaraby a jiné spasitele našich civilizačních hodnot ?
Šejcháty nám sem neposílají zástupy imigrantů, naopak si tam vydělává dost zahraničních pracovníků. Jsou politicky stabilní a vláda je vesměs v souladu s přáním obyvatel. S výjimkou Saúdské Arábie (která to dělá spíše nepřímo přes kulturní dotace) si nelibují v podpoře náboženských extrémistů. Je na ně navíc (narozdíl od Francie a Německa) větší spolehnutí i jako na spojence při problémech v této oblasti. Rozhodně naši civilizaci neohrožují.
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9. 5. 2003 17:12
Saddamovy spolupracovnici
Clanek o Saddamovi neni uz moc zajimavy, Saddam uz nevladne. Zato zajimavejsi sou nalezy dokumentu peodle kterych Rusko a Francie pomahali Saddamovi ve spionazi a se zbranemi.
http://www.msnbc.com/news/900753.asp?0sl=-43&cp1=1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">"Mirova" pomoc>
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2003/04/17/MN276568.DTL#sections" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Rusove Trenovali Saddamove spiony>
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9. 5. 2003 21:39
Re: Saddamovy spolupracovnici
nojo, ale oni svýho spojence nepodrazili tolik jako ty a tvý melody boys.
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9. 5. 2003 11:28
sadam a ladin sou PIČE !!!!!!!!!!
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9. 5. 2003 12:23
Re: sadam a ladin sou PIČE !!!!!!!!!!
A Bush taky a stix taky.
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9. 5. 2003 10:27
Saddám a Usáma bin Ládin poslouchají rozkazy z USA.
George Bush ovládá Saddáma pomocí zvláštního elektronického čipu. Díky tomu Saddám musí poslouchat všechny rozkazy , které mu George Bush dá. Stejný čip měl Usáma bin Ládin. Oba jsou to poloroboti. Je to strašně tajné .....už jsou mi na stopě, vrazily do mě 20 metrů velkou dýku...au.....zabil mě Kaddáfí, rozkázal mu to Bush abych nemluvil ...au.
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12. 5. 2003 8:50
Re: Saddám a Usáma bin Ládin poslouchají rozkazy z USA.
akta x rulezzz :-))
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9. 5. 2003 6:49
příspěvek zrušen
(Příspěvek byl zrušen redakcí )
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Karel S.

9. 5. 2003 6:46
příspěvek zrušen
(Příspěvek byl zrušen redakcí )
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S. Lerak

9. 5. 2003 9:55
příspěvek zrušen
(Příspěvek byl zrušen redakcí )
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8. 5. 2003 18:50
The only things we read in the newspapers were about the war and only thing we watched on TV was again the war. We weren't ready to see Iraqis suffering and kids dying. That made us so sad and upset. We were sure that Americans could not be as sad as us. The only thing we could do was organise anti-war protests and set tables on the street to collect anti-war signatures from people. At the demonstrations there were lot of anti-American slogans. ........ The war wasn't necessary. It was successful for the Americans and they have the oil reserves now. I hope the Americans learnt a lesson from all of this and I hope they do not think that everything will be just fine now. Ozgur Yazici, an 18-year-old student from Turkey
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9. 5. 2003 5:58
Re: ?
FUCK OFF arabe Bez brecet  do palestiny
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