
V Iráku rabovaly organizované gangy, tvrdí USA

Za rabováním iráckých památek stojí podle USA organizované gangy. Na zvláštní konferenci policistů a historiků ve francouzském Lyonu americký ministr spravedlnosti John Ashcroft přislíbil jejich dopadení. V pátrání má pomoci databáze Interpolu, která ze ztracených artefaktů udělá "horké zboží".
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


8. 5. 2003 19:14
>>>Americká imigrační celní služba zadržela některé cenné historické památky ukradené z Národního muzea v Bagdádu. Do Iráku se tak vrátí 39.400 písemných památek a 700 uměleckých předmětů. Celníci spolupracovali americkými vojáky, s Federálním úřadem pro vyšetřování a s Iráčany, kteří pracují v muzeu. <<< ???? oni ti iráčtí zloději museji znova domu imigrovat? a maj to pod palcem amícké orgány? ... nějak tomu nerozumím, kde, komu, co, a kde je to drtivé množství ostatních, když tohle jsou jen "některé"?
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8. 5. 2003 16:11
neporadek a zmatek
Podle nejnovejsich udaju velika vetsina tzv ukradenych pamatek nebyla ukradena ale schovana v trezorech banky, to co bylo ukradene to meli na svedomi lide kteri pracovali v muzeuhttp://www.msnbc.com/news/870749.asp?vts=050720032250&cp1=1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Cti Zde>>  Nekteri lide radi delaji povyk aniz vedi o cem mluvi, zarazejici je ze pracovnici Baghdadskeho muzea nemaji zadny seznam pamatek.
Co se tyce tzv "americkeho zabovani" jak nektere prispevly se tady snazi uvadet, historie spis potvrdila opak, kdo raboval to byla Ruda Armada (ne jenom hodinky) >>http://www.ikoktejl.cz/magaziny/koktejl/MKretro/koktejl_1113.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">cti zde>>
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8. 5. 2003 17:31
Re: Who will win the Iraq oil bonanza?
May 6 — As Iraq takes its first tentative steps toward self-government, the country’s creaky oil industry is slowly being restored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which will soon assign contracts for basic repairs. But the real prize comes later — when the reformed Iraq government begins awarding lucrative contracts to develop vast, untapped reserves that some say could rival Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest pool of oil.
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8. 5. 2003 1:57
k smichu !!!!
pohyb na Syrske hranici a Jordanske hranici stejne jako na Iranske byl bedlive monitorovan, K pravozu pamatek a to velmi objemnych nestaci osli povoz. Vubec se nebudu divit kdyz se toho9 vice nez polovina obevi po 20 ti letech v USA v soukromych sbirkach .....popripade v sraelskych museiich. Ne malo unikatu a penez bylo vyvezeno z evropy do US v dobe WWII, do ruska sli predevsim jen hodinky:-)) diky nezaludnosti slovanske duse
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7. 5. 2003 11:52
Last month, A London-based newspaper published a letter 'from Saddam' (courtesy Al-Quds).This is the full transcript of the latest tape recording purportedly by former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, obtained by Australian newspaper The Sydney Morning Herald. >>>> "In the name of God most gracious most merciful we praise our messengers and their followers in life. In the next life they will have justice. Iraqi people, great Iraqi people, women and men, and the Iraqi armed forces and all people who want to change their attitude about their enemies, peace be upon you all. I don't want to talk in details about the occupation and why and how, and I am going to focus on how to face these invaders and kick them out from Iraq. I addressed some messages before, many messages before. Some of them were by my voice and some were addressed to the mass media, but we know and you know very well the mass media in the whole world is controlled by the Zionists, and especially by its headquarters in the White House. Therefore we have tried hard to address our messages by many many ways, and some of them reached you people in the Iraqi governates [administrative regions], and some will reach them sooner. In any case, it sounds as if we have to go back to the secret style of struggle that we began our life with. Through this secret means I am talking to you from inside Great Iraq and I say to you, the main task for you, Arab and Kurd, Shia and Sunni, Muslim and Christian and the whole Iraqi people of all religions, your main task is to kick the enemy out from our country. You have to believe that he who is working with the foreigners is working against you. He is not only a servant for foreigners, he is an enemy of God and an enemy of the people as well. Reject these people and reject anything that will divide you, Iraqi people. Be united all under your flag, under the Iraqi flag, under the slogan Allahu Akhbar, all in one trench. The Iraqi people must keep their own civilisation in which they are one country, one people, as they are now. Your enemy came to Iraq and they thought that the Iraqi people would receive them with flowers but they were surprised. Some people now are changing their minds about the Americans and the occupation. We have no option but to struggle and satisfy God and high principles and ourselves as well. Now, some people who supported the Americans and the occupiers are now changing their minds, step by step. Now everyone is going to change their minds, and they know what is best for them and their family. Their family is Iraq. But they will not understand everything unless they know the whole truth about themselves. The Iraqi people challenged the whole world by celebrating the 28th of April [Saddam's birthday] and asserted that this festivity was not forced on them by Saddam Hussein or by the authorities. It was an Iraqi decision, because they consider Saddam Hussein as a brother or as a father to them. And this is just to express of their free will that nobody forced them to do it or to live in any way against their will. It is their true attitude towards Saddam Hussein. The Iraqis want to challenge the occupation and say to all humanity, yes, the occupiers could occupy Iraq, but they will never be able to change the Iraqi heart's love for Saddam Hussein and their country. Some of these people admired the West and described it as the free world, but it is not. And genuine people would never care about the Western media, because it is controlled by Zionists. Especially the two administrations in Washington and London, which are controlled by the Zionist media. They tell many, many lies, and you Iraqi people have won your moral battle because the Americans destroyed Iraq and stole Iraq's ancient archaeology by destroying the Iraqi National Museum. This time we are standing against America, a tyrant power that rules the world. You Iraqi people will shame the Americans as the Palestinians shame the Zionists. The Zionists are baffled how to fight the Palestinian people and you the Iraqi people, men and women, stand together against the invasion and show your stance as much as you can by writing on walls, or making positive demonstrations or not selling them anything or buying anything from them, or by shooting them with your rifles and trying to destroy their cannons and tanks. The most important thing is that each Iraqi man or woman has his own duty, child or older person, which he must do, and if they miss anything they have to make up for it the next day, and if they miss a week they have to make up for it the following week. Don't let the Americans settle in Iraq. Each day and every day you must express how you resist the occupation, and the eye of God will be on you and on all people who take a stand against the occupation. And god will honour his people, and god will love the people who redeem themselves, and we must not be sad and helpless, and God will love he who works for victory. Victory is coming, God willing, and you have to satisfy your God before yourself. Then victory will come from the love of god. And of course God will ease our task because there is no victory without the support of God. Work hard, work hard through this to win paradise and then victory will be visible. Work hard for God, Iraqi people, Iraqi women, Iraqi men, and we are with you. We are working with you. Victory is coming, God willing. They want to extinguish the light of God by their tongues but God will complete his victory. Allahu Akhbar, Allah is the greatest, and shame on the American Government and a curse on them until judgement day."
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7. 5. 2003 14:49
Re: ?
Nic proti tvemu jazyku, ale jsi na ceskem mediu tak pis cesky nebo "drz hubu"  
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7. 5. 2003 8:32
Název gangu
Název organizovaného gangu: US ARMY
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7. 5. 2003 15:54
Re: Název gangu
...no vid93, jak ti to jde....
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7. 5. 2003 8:12
ještě jsem neslyšel o tom,
že by nějaká armáda v dějinách lidstva bránila nepříteli v rozkradení vlastní země, že by třeba Němci nebo Rusové při své okupaci Čech chránili pro nás naše kulturní dědictví. Většina se toho navíc ztratila před příchodem fronty a Amíci mohli těžko předpokládat, že si to Iráčani sami rozkradou. O svoje památky se v první řadě měli postarat oni, mohlo se k nim třeba připoutat pár těch sebevražedných fedajínů, nebo tam alespoň poslat normální ozbrojenou ostrahu. Co všechno nedokáže vymyslet pseudohumanistický mozek. Kdyby radši pěkně poprosili svého přítele Saddáma, třeba by něco vrátil.
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7. 5. 2003 3:55
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7. 5. 2003 0:09
Muzeum zajisti slo - americane dokazali ochranit ministerstvo ropneho prumyslu.
Americti odbornici pred valkou a behem ni nekolikanasobne se obraceli se zadosti na ochranu alespon badadskeho musea. Bohuzel se ukazalo ze americti generalove se svym zpusobem mysleni - "zelenymi mozky" nelisi napriklad on Ceskych lampasaku. Jsou to nekulturni barbari (rusti generalove je jeste predci).
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7. 5. 2003 2:56
Re: Muzeum zajisti slo - americane dokazali ochranit ministerstvo ropneho prumyslu.
Mezinarodni gangy pusobi v Iraku uz leta, kde za pomoci mistnich lidi (dokonce i archeologu) delali ilegalni vykopavky. Tedka jenom vyuzili prilezitost kdy se priblizila fronta a nastal zmatek. Americti vojaci prisli v prvni rade odstranit Saddama. Jo urcite je vsem kulturnim lidem na svete lito ze se tak stalo, ale nemuzeme za to vinit jenom americany. Nezapomenme ze v minulych valkach se mnohe vojska delali uplne jinak nez USA> http://www.ikoktejl.cz/magaziny/koktejl/MKretro/koktejl_1113.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">cti zde>
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normální člověk

6. 5. 2003 18:10
Kim čong il se bojí USA
Prezident severní Koreje Kim Čong Il má strach, že skončí jako Saddám. V noci neudrží strachy stolici a moč. Ví, že ho američani můžou srazit na kolena a on všechno ztratí. Bush se nenechá vydírat jako Clinton.
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7. 5. 2003 1:31
Re: Kim čong il se bojí USA
A proto americani zadoni, aby Cina vyuzila svojeho vlivu na S. Koreu?
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6. 5. 2003 18:01
rambo sberatel...
ted ma kazdy druhy hrdinny americky vojak krom vzpominek pro vnoucata take sumerskou sosku na nocnim stolku..................
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pavel p

6. 5. 2003 21:38
Re: rambo sberatel...
, mozne je vsechno ale pak urcite pochazel z CSR anebo CCCP!
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