
Irák po 12 letech ustoupil tlaku OSN

Výroba zbraní hromadného ničení je v Iráku už trestná. Prezident Saddám Husajn podepsal příslušný dekret po dvanácti letech tlaku OSN. Splnil se tak druhý z hlavních požadavků zbrojních inspektorů, aby začal více spolupracovat. Předtím Irák povolil přelety průzkumných letadel U-2.
Litujeme, ale tato diskuse byla uzavřena a již do ní nelze vkládat nové příspěvky.
Děkujeme za pochopení.


15. 2. 2003 22:55
příspěvek obsahoval nepřípustné výrazy
(Příspěvek zrušen)
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15. 2. 2003 7:07
Nerozptylujte se!
Prosim vsichni, kdo maji  vyhrady a pripominky ke komunistum, bolsevikum, rusakum, negrum, "prispevatelum s IQ minus", protivnikum USA a jinym odpurcum demokrace obracet se s nimi primo na mne. Aby to bylo zajimavejsi a duraznejsi piste je tak, jako bych byl bestie Stalin, Pilat a bin-Ladin v jedne osobe. Odpovedet kazdemu asi nestihnu, ale budu se snazit. Delam sbirku myslenkovych pochodu lepsi, pokrokovejsi a inteligentnejsi casti obcanu Ceske republiky. Vasi prispevky prosim zvyraznete rudou (kdo z rude omdliva - modrou) barvou, aby se zviditelnil (lip se to hleda). Dekuj vsem predkem.
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15. 2. 2003 4:54
Americky imperialismus
Velice dobre se pamatuji,ze skoro kazdy projev obsahoval:americti imperialiste pripravuji valku,horecne zbroji,atd.Jen tak dale,soudruzi,nevzdavejte se.Mimochodem.pro muslima prisaha nevericimu neni zavazna.Prectete si koran.
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15. 2. 2003 1:58
Cest praci soudruhu
Alfe tvuj prispevek nasvedcuje o tom, ze tve IQ je tak 80, ale v minusu.Tuhle nesmyslnou historii ti cpali do hlavy soudruzi? Objevuje se tu spousta hustych prispevku, ale to co jsi vykouzlil ty bylo na mne opravdu silny kafe.To je tak, kdyz nekdo o necem mluvi a nevi o cem, potom neni divu, ze je svet pomatenej.Mimochodem nejsi nahodou pribuzny Juraska a Havlasa?
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14. 2. 2003 21:16
Irak po 12 letech ustoupil tlaku USA a ne OSN!!!!!
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14. 2. 2003 21:35
Re: Irak po 12 letech ustoupil tlaku USA a ne OSN!!!!!
Tohle je tvuj diskuzni prispevek? to jses tedy zapotil. Ja bych totiz rekl, ze Iraq vyresil svou krizi nekolik krizi najednou, ale to by bylo na tebe trochu moc tak te tim nebudu zatezovat.
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14. 2. 2003 20:58
Za vse muze USA
Kdyby se USA nemontovaly do problemu jinych zemi. Cely svet by byl jiny. Tak treba Evropsky kontinent by mel dnes cistou rasu nadcloveka, deti by mely bila podkolinka a portret Hitlera hned na prvni strance citanky. V pripade ceskeho naroda by tech (kolik % ?) lidi s modrymi ocima a svetlymi vlasy meli jiz v teto geberaci nemcinu jako matersky jazyk a zbytek by davno prispel k tisicilete risi v podobe humusu z plynovych komor. Nebo v pripade nevmesovani az v dobe studene valky by misto Hitlera zustal v citankach Stalin a vse by bylo jednohlasne reseno pod vedenim a vzorem KSSS. Kritika by probihala nikoli na internetu, ale u piva a ztisenymi hlasy pro pritomnost pomocniku VB a agentu StB. Ti by zajistili 100% souhlasnou diskusi. Jestli obraz takoveho sveta je to co chcete a schvalujete tak si nadale otvirejte huby na USA. Hned za kopecky se formuje proletariat v Nemecku a na vychode mate masu barbaru.Preju vam stesti !
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14. 2. 2003 21:22
Re: Za vse muze USA
Nocnik si zasun pod postel, abys v nem nemel zase ruku az se rano probudis. Jinak ted nastala doba , kdy potrebuje "demokracie" v USA dostat lekci aby jsme nemeli citanky s usatym Bushem na prvnich strankach. A koncentraky pro muslimy. Have a nice day.
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14. 2. 2003 19:08
i kann nicht verstant
ja nerozumim
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14. 2. 2003 18:50
Kdo rozumí, ať si přečte
Tohle jsem zrovna dostal e-mailem. Je to bohuzel velmi dlouhe (impending znamená hrozící). If you ever had any doubt about this impending war, or if you know anyone who does, read this to the end. Blood On His Hands' By John Pilger ITV.com 1-30-03 William Russell, the great correspondent who reported the carnage of imperial wars, may have first used the expression "blood on his hands" to describe impeccable politicians who, at a safe distance, order the mass killing of ordinary people. In my experience "on his hands" applies especially to those modern political leaders who have had no personal experience of war, like George W Bush, who managed not to serve in Vietnam, and the effete Tony Blair. There is about them the essential cowardice of the man who causes death and suffering not by his own hand but through a chain of command that affirms his "authority". In 1946 the judges at Nuremberg who tried the Nazi leaders for war crimes left no doubt about what they regarded as the gravest crimes against humanity. The most serious was unprovoked invasion of a sovereign state that offered no threat to one's homeland. Then there was the murder of civilians, for which responsibility rested with the "highest authority". Blair is about to commit both these crimes, for which he is being denied even the flimsiest United Nations cover now that the weapons inspectors have found, as one put it, "zilch". Like those in the dock at Nuremberg, he has no democratic cover. Using the archaic "royal prerogative" he did not consult parliament or the people when he dispatched 35,000 troops and ships and aircraft to the Gulf; he consulted a foreign power, the Washington regime. Unelected in 2000, the Washington regime of George W Bush is now totalitarian, captured by a clique whose fanaticism and ambitions of "endless war" and "full spectrum dominance" are a matter of record. All the world knows their names: Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Cheney and Perle, and Powell, the false liberal. Bush's State of the Union speech last night was reminiscent of that other great moment in 1938 when Hitler called his generals together and told them: "I must have war." He then had it. To call Blair a mere "poodle" is to allow him distance from the killing of innocent Iraqi men, women and children for which he will share responsibility. He is the embodiment of the most dangerous appeasement humanity has known since the 1930s. The current American elite is the Third Reich of our times, although this distinction ought not to let us forget that they have merely accelerated more than half a century of unrelenting American state terrorism: from the atomic bombs dropped cynically on Japan as a signal of their new power to the dozens of countries invaded, directly or by proxy, to destroy democracy wherever it collided with American "interests", such as a voracious appetite for the world's resources, like oil. When you next hear Blair or Straw or Bush talk about "bringing democracy to the people of Iraq", remember that it was the CIA that installed the Ba'ath Party in Baghdad from which emerged Saddam Hussein. "That was my favourite coup," said the CIA man responsible. When you next hear Blair and Bush talking about a "smoking gun" in Iraq, ask why the US government last December confiscated the 12,000 pages of Iraq's weapons declaration, saying they contained "sensitive information" which needed "a little editing". Sensitive indeed. The original Iraqi documents listed 150 American, British and other foreign companies that supplied Iraq with its nuclear, chemical and missile technology, many of them in illegal transactions. In 2000 Peter Hain, then a Foreign Office Minister, blocked a parliamentary request to publish the full list of lawbreaking British companies. He has never explained why. As a reporter of many wars I am constantly aware that words on the page like these can seem almost abstract, part of a great chess game unconnected to people's lives. The most vivid images I carry make that connection. They are the end result of orders given far away by the likes of Bush and Blair, who never see, or would have the courage to see, the effect of their actions on ordinary lives: the blood on their hands. Let me give a couple of examples. Waves of B52 bombers will be used in the attack on Iraq. In Vietnam, where more than a million people were killed in the American invasion of the 1960s, I once watched three ladders of bombs curve in the sky, falling from B52s flying in formation, unseen above the clouds. They dropped about 70 tons of explosives that day in what was known as the "long box" pattern, the military term for carpet bombing. Everything inside a "box" was presumed destroyed. When I reached a village within the "box", the street had been replaced by a crater. I slipped on the severed shank of a buffalo and fell hard into a ditch filled with pieces of limbs and the intact bodies of children thrown into the air by the blast. The children's skin had folded back, like parchment, revealing veins and burnt flesh that seeped blood, while the eyes, intact, stared straight ahead. A small leg had been so contorted by the blast that the foot seemed to be growing from a shoulder. I vomited. I am being purposely graphic. This is what I saw, and often; yet even in that "media war" I never saw images of these grotesque sights on television or in the pages of a newspaper. I saw them only pinned on the wall of news agency offices in Saigon as a kind of freaks' gallery. SOME years later I often came upon terribly deformed Vietnamese children in villages where American aircraft had sprayed a herbicide called Agent Orange. It was banned in the United States, not surprisingly for it con
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14. 2. 2003 18:58
Re: Kdo rozumí, ať si přečte
ich spreche nur deutsch.preloz mi to prosimte,ja tomu divnemu jazyku nerozumim
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14. 2. 2003 18:45
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14. 2. 2003 19:08
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14. 2. 2003 18:07
pro Chlupa
tys to hezky napsal chlupe, mas uplnou pravdu. zabozrouti ukazali svou "proziravost" uz v 38. kdyz nas predhodili hitlerovi, aby je pak ten psychous za dvaroky rozstrilel ceskejma flintama a delama...
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14. 2. 2003 18:46
Re: pro Chlupa
Nezbývá než souhlasit. Ve Francii mám příbuzné, a jejich vztah k USA je více než paranoidní. Přitom bez amíků by dneska mluvili německy... v lepším případě rusky. Kdyby jsou chyby, ale kdyby v 38. existovalo NATO, nebo byli amíci podobně odhodlaní jako dnes, druhá válka nemusela vůbec být a 40 let komunismu taky ne. Jenže... někdy až chybami se člověk učí, jak vidno u šnekožroutů, někdy ani těmi ne....
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