Winter’s here and so is its temperamental cousin, Mr. Cold Outside

Winter’s here and so is its temperamental cousin, Mr. Cold Outside | foto: MF DNES

Describing Winter Weather

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Winter is here, and it’s off to a brisk start. Let’s briefly review how one can describe the various aspects of Winter in the English language. Winter is known for being the coldest season of the year. Here are some sentences you can use to describe when it is cold outside.
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"It’s a very frigid day" or "It’s frozen tears weather" or "It’s freezing outside" or "It’s a polar bear’s dream outside" or "Its Eskimo weather today" or "It’s as cool as an ice box outside."

In English, anything which conveys the sense of "it" being cold will basically work.

In the southern states such as Tennessee, native speakers will use colorful expressions such as "It’s colder than my wife’s shoulder when I come home drunk" or "It’s so cold out, Hell must have froze over."

When there is SnowWhen there is snow present, there are of course many ways to express this fact. Examples:

"There’s a blanket of snow covering those mountains" or "Just look at the white silk" or "Snowtime" or "I can see that Frosty and his friends are here" or "It’s Santa Claus weather."

The reference to "Frosty" refers to a popular American cartoon character named Frosty the Snowman.

The reference to Santa Claus has to do with the fact that Santa lives up at the North Pole, where there is always plenty of snow.

The term White Christmas means that it either snowed on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day depending on when you celebrate this holiday.

Joke: Yet MORE Bumper Sticker Slogans

1. Without geometry, life is pointless.

2. Be alert. The world needs more lerts.

3. I didn’t climb to the top of the food chain just to be a vegetarian.

4. Don’t believe everything you think.

5. Beer does NOT make you fat. Instead it makes you lean. Lean against doors, walls, or someone’s shoulder.

6. I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not very sure.

7. Squirrels - nature’s speed bumps.

8. Keep working hard. There are millions of people on social welfare programs who depend on you.

9. An Apple a day keeps Windows away.

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
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