When you say that someone "is in" this means that they are "cool" or are fashionable or are "hip".

When you say that someone "is in" this means that they are "cool" or are fashionable or are "hip". | foto: Profimedia.cz

Are You IN with the INS in English?

The word "in" is used in many diverse expressions throughout the English language. Let's examine a few of them.
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Expressions using "in" 1: Learning the uses of "In"
He's In/It's In vs. He's/It's Out
When you say that someone "is in" this means that they are "cool" or are fashionable or are "hip". It can also mean that someone has been allowed entrance or permitted to attend some sort of event or gathering. Examples:

"He's in, it's OK to let him walk in past the security guards" or "That style is really 'in' with today's young people, let's make sure our store makes a point to stock these clothes."

When someone or something is not allowed or it is no longer fashionable or "in" we say in English that "he is out" or "that this style is 'out'" or "this is out."
In Cahoots, In Cahoots with Someone
When you are "in cahoots" this means that you are not only involved with something or that you did it, but it also means that you deliberately made a point to do it with someone. Examples:

"That company was in cahoots with the local politician concerning that tender. I'm glad the police finally caught them" or "He was in cahoots with his best friend, and threw his wife a surprise birthday party."
In the Hot Seat
When you are "in the hot seat" this is another way of saying that you are in trouble or are in an uncomfortable situation. Examples:

"Stefan is really in the hot seat now with his boss, he was late to work for the 32nd time!" or "That company is in the hot seat with the courts right now, the judge caught their head accountant lying under oath."

Being in the Hot Seat
In English, it is perfectly OK to say things like "We want to avoid being in the hot seat on this one" or "Let's make sure we stay out of the hot seat."
Both of these phrases simply mean that you wish to avoid trouble, which is always desirable.

                     Joke of the Day

A man needed the electricity in his flat fixed, so he calls a company to have them send a man out to repair it.

"There's only one thing I should tell you, I can't be there when your electriciancomes over, so just let yourself inside the flat, it's no problem. 

"Also, I have a pet Rottweiler dog for my security, but don't pay any attention to him, he's completely trained. He won't attack or bite you unless someone says both his name, and tells him to do so."

The electrician enters the flat, fixes the problem in 10 minutes, and notices that the whole time, a parrot just sat there, and said nothing. 

"Stupid bird," said the electrician.

The parrot hears this, then says, "Killer, attack!"

Angličtina vychází od pondělí do pátku.

Najdete ji také v bezplatném deníku Metropolitní expres.
Kalovi pište na adresu: kal.korff@expresdenik.cz


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