
Test z angličtiny - CAE 40

Vyzkoušejte si test z angličtiny, který pro čtenáře iDNES.cz připravila jazyková škola TUTOR. Test CAE je důležitým rozlišením toho, jaký styl přípravy (dlouhodobou nebo intenzivní) by měl student zvolit. Test CAE má dvě části. Začněte testem CAE 120 a v případě správného zodpovězení minimálně 21 otázek ze 30 pokračuje náročnějším testem CAE 40. U každé otázky je vždy pouze jedna správná odpověď.

1.The children ..................... to the zoo.

2.Unfortunately the company will have to find a way to cut ..... .

3.You need to .......... in at the hotel reception before being given your key.

4.My teacher's great. I have a very high ......... of him.

5.You can post that letter for me .......... you're going past the post office.

6.The two twins are identical. It's impossible to tell ………… from the other.

7.I don't think Peter is ……… asleep. He was ………. awake a while ago.

8.I notified ……….. I had changed my address.

9.We like to go back to Greece on holiday .......... now and then.

10.The government are planning an increase in interest rates .......... to rising house prices.

11.Therefore, .......... accordance with our regulations, you will be issued with a formal written warning.

12.I've tried telling him that I don't want to see him again but he doesn't seem to be .......... the message.

13.Although my mother's in her seventies she is still very young at .........

14.Lots of little children go through a phase of having an ........... friend, but they usually grow out of it.

15.Přečtěte si pozorně následující text:

Next time you take a look in the mirror, try standing sideways on. Do you see a long elegant back or are your shoulders as rounded as the hump of a camel? Bad posture normally starts in our teenage years when we slouch around with our (15) ..................... trying to look cool. But (16) ............ up those who now while away their days sitting in front of a computer where it's (17) ............... too easy to (18) ............. something as essential as good posture. Doplňte slovo, které chybí v prázdném poli číslo 15.

16.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 16.

17.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 17.

18.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 18.

19.The seven defendants, two of .......... were absent from the court, are charged with burglary.

20.…………. we arrived at the hotel, when there was a power cut.

21.The manager was sacked after he tried to .......... his accounts.

22.Your help has been.......... . I couldn't have finished my essay without it.

23.It has often been argued .......... so that criminals are punished in relation to what they have done wrong.

24.Although we had got on well all day, ……………..

25.Nyní si pozorně přečtěte následující text s názvem JEROME FLYN – ACTOR TURNED SIGNER:

After a variety of jobs, Jerome Flynn became (25) ........ successful with fellow Robson Green in the TV series Soldier, Soldier, and then when they (26) ........ up as singers in 1995, they had three number one hits. 'It was a whirlwind, fantasy time,' says Jerome. 'We made the records because we quite (27) ........ the money, and it paid off. It was a lot of fun, but you can become (28) ........ in the pop world. It's addictive, and once you're a pop star, people tend to (29) ........ you on a pedestal. It was so mad we had to get out while the going was good. Now money doesn't seem so much, although it (30) ........ me to leave my career behind for a while. But Robson wanted to go back to acting and has made quite a success of it. I'd like to work with him again one day.' Doplňte slovo, které chybí v prázdném poli číslo 25.

26.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 26.

27.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 27.

28.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 28.

29.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 29.

30.Nyní doplňte slovo, které chybí v (červeně vyznačeném) souvětí v prázdném poli číslo 30.

Šebo: Rodiče neočkovaných dětí jsou zločinci, černý kašel je pro kojence smrtící